Act 17: Back to reality

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Rome's skin felt soft under Gaint's fingers. His hand rested on Rome's naked belly while his sleepy head rested on the chest of the boy, which was going up and down. Rome's lower body was covered only by the bed sheet. The boy was still sleeping whereas Gaint was wide awake and cuddling tightly to his boyfriend's warm body.

"Boyfriend," it sounded weird, but Gaint assumed that this was what they were now.

While he was lying on the bed, thinking about the wonderful time he spent with Rome at the beach and especially here in the bed for almost half of the day, Rome slowly started to move, indicating that he would wake up soon. At the sight of Rome's sleeping and gentle face, Gaint had to smile. Everything was still so surreal and almost like a dream he never wanted to wake up from.

However, reality called him back and demanded that he got out of bed to walk to the toilet. For the last time, Gaint looked at the half sleeping boy, and in order not to wake him up, he quietly tried to leave the place by Rome's side. As he tried to leave the bed, the right arm of Rome, which was lying around Gaint's shoulders, tightened and didn't want to release him. Additionally, Rome's left arm moved to entrap Gaint in a tight hug.

"What are you doing?" asked Gaint suppressing a laugh.

"I don't want you to leave."

"I don't want too, but I have to go to the toilet."

Rome turned his head and puckered his lips, "You have to pay your ransom."

"Ha ha, okay."

The boy got closer to the lips and kissed them softly. However, Rome didn't release him.

"One more!" he demanded.

Again, Gaint bent down and kissed him. This time it was more passionate. Finally, he was released and could make his way to the toilet while Rome was left alone in bed. For a while, Rome kept looking at the closed door his boyfriend had disappeared behind. The phone which was lying on the nightstand flashed and vibrated. Although he wanted to answer, the boy suddenly stopped his movement. Rome was not ready to go back into the real world yet, which would happen if he answered the call. So far, he wanted to stay in his little bubble with Gaint.

"Who knows what will happen if we go back?"

Gaint returned and crawled back into the bed right next to Rome. Tonight they had to go back home, so Rome wanted to use every minute of the precious remaining time. Therefore, he lifted up the sheet and rolled over.

His head was caught in his shirt, so it was no surprise that Ben kicked his foot against something hard. The pain caused him to scream. It was early Monday morning, and he was already stressed out. First, his alarm clock didn't ring, and second, his teacher had assigned him and Rome to give a presentation about the German political system. However, he couldn't reach his friend over the weekend to discuss the final details.

"Hopefully, he will be there today."

While hopping through this room and finishing dressing up, he packed his schoolbag. The boy was in such a hurry that he just quickly scanned whether he had all the necessary documents for today or not. It seemed as if he had everything for the lessons, nevertheless, he felt like he forgot something. Unfortunately, he had no more time if he wanted to catch the bus in time.

In a hurry, he rushed out of the room and slammed the door behind him. Noises came out of the living room where his mother was screaming. Her son screamed a quick "Bye, Mum" while passing the living room.

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