Act 10: Uncontrolled Emotions

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Rome parked the car on the school parking lot and ran inside.

"Hopefully he's already at the running track."

Whether the car was locked or not after he parked it wasn't important right know. He had to find Gaint as quickly as possible. His search led him right to the athletics field where he found the boy running. Seeing him now didn't cause any feelings of anger as he knew the truth. Instead he felt sorry for treating his friend unjustly. It was Rome's own stupidity that had caused this whole misunderstanding.

The runner finished the round and went over to drink something. Rome walked towards him, feeling more relived know. The back muscles of Gaint moved when he threw the bottle on the ground. Meanwhile, the boys were just a few metres away. So far, Gaint hadn't realized that Rome was standing behind him. For a few seconds, Rome was just standing behind him, watching him. Then he just allowed this body to do whatever it wanted. His hands passed Gaint's waist and tightly hugged him. Rome felt the warm and sweating body of the boy. It didn't matter. Rome was just happy to be with him right know even if he smelled.

The boy within Rome's embrace turned around and looked into the face of his friend.. The green eyes looked up to Rome, and Gaint's beautiful lips wanted to say something, but they couldn't. Gaint's lips were sealed by a kiss. Rome himself couldn't believe what he was doing. It was just an impulse that conquered his body, like pulling your hand away from something hot. Before he even realized what he did, he tasted Gaint's sweet lips. The kiss felt nice, the warmth of Gaint's lips on his own, the feeling of Gaint's muscular upper body within his embrace. Everything was like an outer body experience.

However, the moment came when Rome was the master of his senses again. Quickly, he aborted the kiss and looked into Gaint's face. The boy's eyes were closed. Suddenly, Rome felt embarrassed about what he did. He kissed a boy in public where everyone could see him. How could he have done something like this!?

The feeling in his stomach made him uncomfortable.

"Sorry!" he stuttered and ran away.

He ran as quickly as he could and didn't look back. It was too humiliating. He kissed a boy, and a part of him seemed to enjoy it, not just a part actually. Tears were rolling down his eyes when he arrived at the car.

"What have I done!?" the tears wetted his cheeks. "No one can know about this. Why have I done it! It's your own fault you stupid moron. Why does this have to happen to me? You allowed these feelings, and now that you played with fire, you got burnt. This can never happen again!"

He entered his car and just drove far away from this place and Gaint with his tempting lips.

The sudden vanishing of Rome left Gaint confused. The kiss was unexpected, and in the beginning, Gaint didn't really know what to do, but somehow it felt nice. Not just the kiss, but being so close to Rome, being held by him was a good feeling. It was definitely not the same feeling he had when he kissed Lille. Slowly, he touched his lips and remembered the contact with Rome's lips, soft but strong and demanding. Somehow his cheeks blushed.

"Why did he kiss me?" he asked himself. "Could it be that he li- that he's just as confused as I am? Does he have the same feelings? Could it be that-"

"Hey Gaint," Flo walked towards him, "are you still working out?"

"Eh?" Gaint was still in his own world when his friend and team-mate approached him.

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