Act 6: You mostly end up shirtless

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Not many people were in the clothing shop when Ben picked out a green shirt with red stripes around the right shoulder.

"What do you think?" he turned to Rome, who was leaning at a pillow, watching his friend.

"Looks good," he wasn't really in the mood for shopping after he saw his sister leaving with Thomas. "What's his interest in my sister?"

"You're in a really good mood today," the irony in his voice was definitely audible as Ben put the shirt back on the display.

The two boys had already been at the mall for two and a half hours, and, while Ben was enjoying their trip, Rome was a little bit absent-minded. While thinking about his sister, he remembered something she had told him yesterday evening.

"Hey, why haven't you told me that you are in the same art course as my sister?"

"What?!" he put back the jeans he just observed. "I don't know. It just didn't come to my mind."

"I never would have thought that you're that arty," he explained his interest.

"Did she say something else about me?" now, he was curious which raised Rome's suspicion.

"No, what else would she say?"

"Nothing. Where do you wanna go next?"

Rome was unsure, so he just raised his shoulders.

"It's getting late, and I haven't really eaten anything, so maybe we can get a snack or something."

"Good idea, let's go to Chestes for a few fries," suggested his friend.


The boys left the shop and oriented themselves on the first floor. Chestes was on the third floor, so they had to take the escalator on the other side of the hallway.

Ben held Rome back before he could continue his way to the restaurant, "Oh wait, I think I forgot my bag inside. I quickly go back and check on it."

"Really, you're always so forgetful! Okay, but hurry up, I'm really hungry."

"Yeah, yeah," he left his friend standing in front of the shop and went inside to search his missing backpack

Thus, Rome had to wait alone for his friend and started to observe the people around him or passing by. Some families where there with small children eating ice-cream or carrying big bags of toys in their tiny arms.

At the same time he was watching a five-year old boy licking his ice-cream, he suddenly felt something crashing into his right side. Surprised by this sudden attack, he tumbled a few steps back before he found his balance again.

His eyes wandered around, searching for the person who was responsible for the attack. When he found him, his eyes widened. In front of him was Gaint, who was breathing heavily. His eyes were huge because of the shocking clash.

"What are you doing here?" asked Rome surprised.

The other boy was coughing and held the right side of his body.

"Oh, it's so good to see you!" he said in a relieved voice not apologising for crashing into his friend, "I already thought you were-"

Unable to speak any more, he took a deep breath of fresh air.

"What's going on?" Rome was concerned about the state his friend was in and how frightened he looked.

"Nothing," he gasped. "Everything is okay now."

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