Act 5: Run to me

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The two boys, tightly hugging each other, were still asleep as the sun rose. Rome's chin was resting peacefully on top of Gaint's blond hair. Gaint was cuddling towards Rome's chest. The hand of the younger boy was lying on his friend's arm. The first rays of sunlight passed through the open windows into the music room and tickled the Rome's nose. While wrinkling his nose, the boy slowly woke up with his eyes moving under the closed lids.

"I never slept that good in a while," he opened his eyes and didn't realize where he was. "Where am I? What happened?"

Slowly, his memory of the last day came back. He felt something in his arms, and as he looked down his eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Fuck, what is he doing!" he wanted to push the boy away but hesitated. "What happened yesterday? I hope nothing- his body feels quite warm. Was he the reason I sleep so well? Well, he looks kind of cute, the way he opens his sweet mouth- God! Stop thinking like this!"

In the process of observing the sleeping Gaint, the boy saw and felt something else below his waist.

"Please let it be because of the morning and not because of him!"

As he looked down to his crotch, he saw his morning wood delineating under his black trousers. Trying to hide it with his right hand seemed to put more spotlight on it, so he desisted from doing so. This was the time when the boy in his arms started to move more and more, being on the edge of awakening.

"God, what should I do?"

Instead of moving, he pretended to be asleep again, blinking through his almost closed eye lids.

Gaint who opened his eyes also needed some moments to understand the situation. He lifted his head and saw the chest of his lab partner raising up and down. Swallowing down his surprise, he let his view wander up to Rome's allegedly sleeping face. For a whole moment, he didn't do anything but staring at the handsome face of the young man.

He wanted to carefully move away from the body, unfortunately, his left arm slipped away. Instead of moving further away, he fell down with his upper body causing his face to stop just a few centimetres away from the face of the other boy. Their lips almost touched each other. He could feel the warmth of Rome's breath on his own trembling lips.

"Have I seen a twitch, or was it just my imagination. Hopefully, he doesn't wake up!"

Another try to roll himself away from his friend and on the other side of the bed was a success. Now in safety, he could breathe for the first time after his slip, and just in time as Rome was waking up now.

The boy next to him stretched out his arms and yawned.

"Good morning," he greeted Gaint, not mentioning anything from before.

"Morning," so did the other one. "Do you think the door is unlocked?"

The phone was still in his bag, so Rome took it out and checked the time.

"It's five minutes after half past seven, so it should be open."

"Then, I don't have time to go back and change," assumed Gaint.

"No, unless you wanna skip the first lessons."

"In that case, I should go to the washroom and try to clean myself there as good as possible," he stood up and arranged his clothes and hair.

"Wait, I'm coming with you!" said Rome raising himself and arranging his own clothes, trying not to make his crotch to obvious. "Before we go, can I get your number?"

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