Act 18 Are you with me?

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Ben was relieved that his mother had managed to find the place and delivered the paining in time. He grabbed the bag and opened it. As soon as he saw the painting, he froze.

"No! No!" he yelled quietly. "That can't be true!"

Inside was the painting he wanted to show here the least. Mira's face was staring at his own. His mother didn't bring the right painting but choose the one he had covered when Rome had paid him a visit a few days ago. Now, the painting was here for everyone to see.

Quickly, Ben closed the cloth bag and looked around. Thankfully, Mira hadn't shown up. He had to get rid of the paintings before anyone could see it. Pretending like nothing happened he started waking through the aisles again into the direction of the exit. The other exhibitors didn't pay any attention and only focused on their own stuff so that Ben was able to stealthily sneak around them without being stopped.

Just a few meters and he would be successful. In that moment the door opened, and Ben froze right at the spot. As bad luck would have it, Mira just entered the exhibition room. To cover himself Ben hid behind one of the thin white walls. Luckily the girl passed without noticing him and went to the spot her painting would be presented. A relieved sigh was produced by Ben who continued his mission to escape.

He barely touched the doorhandle when he felt a hand on his back and turned around in surprise. The boy was stopped by his teacher just seconds before he finished his exit.

"Where are you going?" his teacher wanted to know.

"Eh just going outside for a quick deep breath" responded the boy with uneasy eyes.

The elderly man noticed the tight grip of the younger one around the cloth bag as well as the tiny pearls of sweat running down the temples. All of those signs could only suggest one thing according to his experience.

"I get it," the teacher nodded knowingly and placed both of his hands on Ben's shoulders, "you suffer from stage fright."

The boy looked at him in disbelief, "No, no I ju-"

"I've seen it before, a dozen times." the man shook his head and wouldn't let go of the boy's shoulders. Meanwhile their conversation had attracted the attention of some of the others in the room who listened curiously. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Even the greatest artists of our time still suffer from it, but in the end, they all managed to overcome it every single time. Cause that's what it's about. Believing in yourself and believing in what you have created! I can also tell you that you have no reason to be ashamed of your painting."

Ben looked around into the faces of the other artists who probably thought that he was a little crybaby who needed the loving support of the teacher to not create a bigger drama. It made him uncomfortable to be in the centre of everyone's attention while he just wished to get rid of that damn object inside his bag.

"Why did I have to forget this damn painting!" he almost started laughing out loud of despair. " No, Sir, I really just wan-"

His teacher didn't let him finish his sentence, "No, no. I know that your painting is good as I already took a quick gimps at it when your mother brought it."

"Oh no!" was everything Ben could think about at that moment. "You did?"

"Yeah and I think it's really great. In every brushstroke you can see the emotions you put in.3

"Oh God!" Ben felt like he had to vomit.

"Why don't you take it out and put it on its place on the wall," suggested the teacher to his horror. "Your opus should be seen by everyone here. Come on take it out and show it!"

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