Act 9: Some happiness, some sadness

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The girls were waiting by the window and observing the driveway. More than thirty minutes had passed since Rome called Gaint. Yet he was nowhere to be seen, and the girls slowly got worried. After Mira told Carly about the kiss between her brother and this awful girl, she decided to take matters into her own hands. To do so, she told her best friend, who she absolutely trusts, everything about her suspicion concerning Gaint and her brother liking each other. During her explanations, Carly sometimes burst into screams of excitement, and in the end, she vowed to help her friend getting the boys back on the right track.

"Well... what exactly can we do?" Carly asked her friend, who started to grin suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I have an idea. I haven't watched all those scheming and cheating teenage dramas for nothing," the glint in her eyes showed absolute determination.

"Slowly your starting to scare me," Carly backed away a little bit worried. "Is that the behaviour that attracted Thomas so suddenly?"

"Oh stop it!" the glint immediately vanished, and she playfully punched her friend in shame. "We are just friends."

"That's not what I heard."

"God! Do those students have nothing better to do than gossip all the time? Are their own lives so miserable? What do they say?"

"That he's totally hitting on you, and you're already driving around with him in his car. Seems like he wants more than just friendship. Why haven't you told me about it? I'm your best friend!"

"No, you're the worst of all,." she smiled. "I haven't told you anything because there is nothing to say. We just met a few times, and... he doesn't have such thoughts! I mean look at me and look at him."

"What's wrong with you?" disagreed Carly heavily. "You're pretty, funny and intelligent. Every boy should be glad to have you as his girlfriend, even such guys like him."

"You're the best!" they hugged.

The sound of a scooter caught their attention. Quickly, they separated again and watched out of the window. The lights of the house lightly illuminated the driveway where a black scooter showed up and stopped in front. On top of it sat a boy with a black helmet, still dressed in his school uniform. A big black sport bag was behind him.

"He's here!" yelled Mira in excitement. "Are you ready?"

"Of course! Let's make some boys fuck!"

"No, we want them to realize how much they care for each other and the feelings they have," corrected Mira her friend.

"And then fuck," she was too excited about the idea of two boys together in bed.

Mira's answer was a rolling of her eyes. Meanwhile, Gaint descended from his vehicle and rang the doorbell. He was nervous to meet his friend after he had seen him kissing Desiree.

"Oh, why does it bother me so much? He has a girlfriend, so what?" Gaint was angry at himself for thinking so much about it.

The girls heard that Rome was coming down from his room. He opened the door and let the boy in.

"You're finally here," he greeted him impersonally.

"Yeah, I was at the track, so I had to shower before I could leave," explained Gaint and dropped his sport bag near the door.

"Whatever. Let's just go and get it over with," Rome was offhand.

"Why is he so mad? I should be the one who is mad at you. Well, if you wanna play the game like this, no problem. Let's play!" he made sure that his sport bag was stowed. "We should go and not waste any time, then. I have to be home soon too."

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