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Nico walked into the infirmary followed by Will. 'You need to rest, doctor's orders' said Will as he led Nico towards the nearest bed. Nico followed Will's orders and lay down.
'So I guess we'll be spending the year seeing each other at camp' said Will as he began organising bottles of medicine on the shelf.
'Yeah, suppose so' replied Nico dismissively staring at Will while he worked.
Will watched Nico from the corner of his eye 'you're staring'.
Nico looked away 'No I'm not' he snapped back, he could feel his face burning from embarrassment 'sure-e' replied Will winking at Nico.
Suddenly someone burst into the room 'Will you're needed.'
'What is it?'
'Paolo, his arms'
Quickly he put down the bottles he was organising and turned
to Nico.
'Stay here, or I will personally hunt you down and drag you
Nico held up his hands defensively 'Alright. Gods you're bossy' he muttered the last part.
'I heard that death boy' shouted Will as he left the room.
'Don't call me death boy'.

Nico was left alone.
He was tempted to leave but he wasn't in the mood to be chased by an angry son of Apollo. He placed his stygian iron sword on the table next to him and fiddled with his skull ring, he wasn't sure what he thought of Will. Most people would keep their distance from Nico, they'd be creeped out by all the as Will had put it "Underworldy stuff" but Will had called him a friend.
It felt, nice?
After a while Nico got lost in his thoughts and drifted off.
He instantly fell into a nightmare.
Bianca was walking towards him with a sad expression 'Nico?'. He couldn't speak, his eyes stung, his heart ached. Why was she here?She'd chosen rebirth and left him alone again. 'Bianca' he finally managed to whisper.
She nodded and gently caressed Nico's face, he reached for her hand but his hand just passed through her.
'I, I miss you' he choked out, tears filled his eyes.
She smiled 'I miss you too, but there is nothing you can do I am just here in your memories.'
He looked at her resentfully.
'You must prepare for the worst Nico, but hopefully your friends can help you through it'
'through what?'
'I'm sorry I left you Nico, But I will see you on the Isles of the Blest'. Bianca turned and began to walk away from him.
'Please, don't leave. Not again'
She continued walking.
'BIANCA' he pleaded, in frustration he slammed his sword into the ground opening up a fissure which continued to grow. Nico stared at it in horror 'Stop' he commanded but the ground kept breaking under his feet, he fell towards the darkness'

He sat up suddenly hitting his head on Will's.
'Ow' Said the son of Apollo rubbing his head 'Sorry for waking you but did you really need to head butt me?'
Nico ignored his question 'Why are you in here?' He asked trying to sound angry but it sounded more like confusion.
'It's breakfast'
'I think I'll pass'
Will laughed dismissing Nico's comment 'You have a weird sense of humor'
'I wasn't' '-joking, sure you were. Come on you're sitting with me, so I can keep an eye on you' and with that Will grabbed Nico's arm and pulled him along.

When they got to the dining pavilion everyone else was already eating their breakfast. Will and Nico filled their plates and went over to the Apollo table. 'Hey guys, don't mind if Nico sits with us do you?' said Will addressing Austin and Kayla. Nico was expecting them to look at him in disgust and say no but they just shrugged and agreed.
He stood stunned at being so easily accepted 'Nico, you need to eat doctor's orders'.
Cautiously he sat down next to Will and began to pick at his food. Some of the Aphrodite cabin giggled but soon stopped when Nico gave them a death glare.
Austin and Kayla were discussing something about an archery tournament, well more like arguing. Chiron glanced at the Apollo table but said nothing, perhaps Will had already spoken to him.
Will rolled his eyes 'I said, what's wrong'
'Yes, nothing'
Will raised his eyebrows but didn't press any further 'okay well if that nothing becomes a something you can tell me you know.'
Nico was tempted to tell him about his dream but decided against it 'Uh okay' he replied taking a bite out of his toast.
'So what was up with Paolo?' Asked Nico eager to change the subject. Will winced 'Well lets just say we managed to reattach his arms.'
'Yeah' agreed Will.
They finished eating breakfast making small talk. 'Right then' said Will 'back to the infirmary, you can help me today'
'Help heal?'
'Yes, help heal'
Nico fiddled nervously with his ring 'If you're sure' Will smiled and began walking back to the infirmary.

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