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He hadn't realised they'd fallen asleep until Nico stirred waking him.
He groaned as he sat up.
Nico was stood up facing away from him.
'Ha, can't believe we fell asleep' He said rubbing his eyes.
He said nothing.
Will stood up and walked over to him. His expression was blank and his eyes were pure black. 'Find me' he muttered 'Find me and resurrect me.'
Will stood staring in horror 'Nico?'
'No! Find me or this one dies.'
Suddenly he crumpled to the floor. Will grabbed him and tapped him lightly 'Nico! Wake up.' The son of Hades remained still. Quickly Will reached into his pocket and pulled out a small glass bottle of smelling salts. He unscrewed it and held it beneath Nico's nose.
'Ugh Gods, what is that' exclaimed Nico as he sat up coughing. Will grabbed him and hugged him tightly before realising what he was doing. 'Oh uh, sorry, smelling salts.' He said promptly letting go of Nico 'do you remember what happened?'
Nico frowned and shook his head 'what do you mean, what happened?'
'I woke up and you were stood up. Your eyes, they were completely black and then you started telling me to find you but it wasn't you saying it, it wasn't your voice. You said if I didn't then you'd die.'
'Maybe we should talk to Chiron?' Suggested Nico. Will nodded 'but without the oracle we're pretty much blind.'
Ever since the war with the Giants, the oracle had stopped working. Will's father, Apollo also hadn't been heard from which didnt seem like a coincidence considering he was the God of prophecy.
'Well I don't particularly feel like dying yet so lets hope we can figure this out.'
They began walking back to camp, ahead of them they could hear shouting. When they finally emerged from the forest, the origin of the shouting was visible. Sherman Yang stood outside the Hermes cabin shouting 'I KNOW YOU HAVE IT!'
Connor Stoll stood in the doorway of his cabin glaring back at him 'I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't take anything!'
'Yes, you did. One of you little thieves took it and when I find out who I'm gonna kill you!'
'Have fun with that'
With that Sherman snapped, he charged at Connor arms outstretched.
'STOP!' Shouted Nico thrusting his hand forwards summoning a wall of bones around Sherman.
The son of Ares stopped as his path was now blocked and turned to Nico 'What are you doing? This doesn't involve you!'
Nico clenched his teeth 'What happened?' He asked.
'Move this!' He said pointing at the wall of bones.
'Make me'
Sherman Yang stomped towards him un sheathing his sword and holding in Nico's direction. Nico di Angelo smiled slightly and drew his own sword, he swung it at Sherman but it was easily deflected. Sherman parried but Nico defended the attacks, suddenly his sword fell put of his hand and clattered to the floor. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and Sherman smiled triumphantly.
As Nico bent down to pick up his sword, he grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it at his face.
'Agh' he exclaimed dropping his sword and clutching his eyes. Nico held his sword towards Sherman.
'Nico that was-' began Will as he stared in awe, 'amazing! How did- when did you- you just-'
Nico blushed 'Ugh, I just you know. Picked up a few things in battle.'
Suddenly Will clutched his head, a sharp pain dug into his mind making him drop to his knees. He could faintly hear Nico shouting his name but couldn't reply.
He blacked out.

He felt cold, every muscle in his body was frozen as is he were paralyzed. Everything was dark.
It was as if he was, wait a second... he'd better not be dead. Oh God's what if he was about to visit the underworld, he was not ready to meet Nico's dad.
'Will' Came a quiet voice. He immediately recognized it 'Nico? Where are you?'
'I'm right here.' Will tried to turn his head but it wouldn't budge.
'I can't see you' he said miserably, then he felt someone grab his hand 'Don't worry, I'd never leave you.' A smile spread across his face.

He groaned. Slowly his eyes opened.
It was too bright for him to see properly but he could make out the outline of Nico's head.
'Will are you okay?'
He nodded, but promptly stopped when the world started to spin. Gradually his eyes began to adjust to the light and he could see he was in the Apollo Cabin with Nico.
'What happened?' He asked trying to sit up.
'You passed out.'
He rolled his eyes 'Really? Never would've guessed. I mean what happened while I was out?'
'Your eyes just went black.'
'Then what?'
'Nothing' Nico replied a little to quickly 'nothing?' He questioned suspiciously.
Nico nodded before changing the subject 'So uh, you kept saying my name in your sleep.' he said biting his lip nervously.
'I think you were in my dream, talking to me' he said unsure.
The tips of Nico's ears went red and he slipped his hand into Will's.
He leant towards him and their lips connected, warmth spread across his lips. Will ran his fingers through Nico's hair, their mouths moving in sync.
'AH, I WAS JUST LEAVING!' Nico broke away. Percy stood at the door, his eyes wide and his hand over his eyes. Nico looked almost as embarrassed as Percy, but not quite.
'We were just, we weren't doing anything...' began Nico.
'Just kissing.'
Nico shot him a warning look.
'I mean, there was this thing and then it did something and Nico fell and we just sorta'
'Stop, just stop' said Nico holding his hand to his face.

'Um, I'm gonna you know... go. You kids be safe.'
'I'm literally older than you.' Shouted Nico after a rather flushed looking Percy.
'You, Will Solace are the worst liar I've even met.'
'What can I say?' He asked sarcastically.
'Anything except "there was this thing and then it did something and Nico fell"'
'Anyway where were we?' He said grabbing Nico and resuming their Kiss.'

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