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He'd tried to convince Will to stay in the infirmary but he insisted saying 'I'm fine, and anyway I'm not missing the chance to beat you at capture the flag'.
His lips had returned to their normal colour and he was no longer shivering but he was still quite pale compared to his usual tanned self.
They walked in silence.

'So' began Nico attempting to make conversation 'you were pretty good in that archery tournament, you been practicing?'
'Well, it's not exactly my speciality' he admitted 'I'm more of a healer, but I couldn't let those Nike twins win.'
'Well so long as you don't start writing haikus' Nico warned.
Will laughed 'Don't worry, that's not going to happen anytime soon. Maybe'.
Nico scowled 'I hope for everyone's sake that was a joke.'

'Campers!' Shouted Chiron as he stomped his hoof, everyone went silent 'Today the Zeus cabin will lead in alliance with Poseidon, Athena, Hecate, Apollo, Aphrodite and Hebe. The Ares cabin will lead in alliance with Demeter, Hermes, Dionysus, Hephaestus, Nike and Hades. The creek is the boundary line. The entire forest is fair game, all magic items are allowed and the banner must be prominently displayed with no more than two gaurds. Prisoners may be disarmed but not bound or gagged. No killing or maiming is allowed. I will serve as referee and medic. Good luck heroes.'

Nico went over to his team to listen to the plan of attack. Clarisse stood decked out in armour giving orders to the other campers. 'Hermes cabin will take the left flank while we take the right. The Hephaestus cabin will go straight through the middle as a decoy. Holly and Laurel you two will guard the flag leaving Demeter and Dionysus to defend the creek.' Nico stood leaning against his sword 'what about me?..' some of the campers glanced back nervously at him, Clarisse smiled as if Nico were a new weapon 'You, will get the flag.'
Nico's expression remained unchanged 'What do you mean I'm getting the flag.'
'While we distract the other team hopefully keeping everyone away from you, you will shadow travel to the flag and then run back over the boundary line. The other team won't suspect a one man extraction team, it's perfect.'
Nico shifted uncomfortably 'and what if it doesn't work and I get attacked?' Clarisse glared at Nico, anger rising in her eyes 'Are you questioning my tactics!?'
'What I'm saying is if I shadow travel and there's a ton of people attacking me, I'll be weak from shadow traveling so might not be able to defend myself.'
Clarisse's grip on her spear tightened 'Just do it!'

The team got set up placing their flag in a nearby tree, it was easy to see but in order to reach it you'd have to climb. The conch horn sounded and the plan began.
Nico stood in the shadows holding his sword ready in case he needed it when he arrived. Closing his eyes he focused on the shadows willing them to encase him and transport him to where he needed to go.
Nico stumbled onto the grass, his vision blurred and his hands shaking. Blinking he got to his feet, slowly his eyesight started to clear and he began to assess his situation. He was in a small clearing decorated with wildflowers and moss, there in front of him was the flag. It was sky blue with a silver border, a lightning bolt ran down the middle splitting it in half. He could hear fighting in the woods but it sounded far away.
Cautiously he walked towards the flag, he reached out to grab it but instead he reached for his ears. There was a sharp painful whistle, Nico had dropped his sword in order to clutch his ears. Pain filled his ears as if someone had just screamed in them only ten times worse.
When the ringing finally stopped he reached down dazed to grab his sword. 'I wouldn't if I were you.'
Will stood in front of him armed with a bow, his blue eyes shone brightly. 'Well done Solace' Nico said dryly, he stood upright and examined Will. His arrow had a blunted tip but it would still hurt if he got hit, at his side he had a wicked looking knife strapped to his belt in case he had to fight close up. Nico needed a distraction. He concentrated grabbing deep within for the darkness. Suddenly a massive chunk of obsidian broke through the earth throwing mud and rocks everywhere. Nico took his chance and grabbed his sword and the flag. Quickly he lunged at the distracted Will and slashed his bow string with his sword.
'Hey!' He exclaimed in frustration, now the son of Apollo would have to fight with his knife and Nico stood a fair chance. Will unshethed his blade and held it between him and Nico. Nico had the advantage now, his sword had much more reach than Will's knife, and he was more familiar with a sword than Will was with a dagger.
Nico swung his sword at Will, even though it was not his first choice weapon, Will was managing just fine defending off his attacks. Nico slammed the flat of his sword at Will's shoulder knocking his knife out of his hand and him off balance. This was his chance, he ran towards the tree line with the flag in his hand. Just as he was about to make it, something flew past him and lodged itself in the trunk of a tree, it was a dagger 'Missed!' Shouted Nico back at Will. 'No I didn't' Too late Nico realised something was attached to the dagger's hilt. He tripped and fell hands first towards the floor. A golden thread was attached to the knife creating a simple yet effective trip wire. Nico's hands were covered in cuts and scrapes, pain rippled through his ankle. 'SOLACE!' He shouted, seething with anger.
Suddenly a cheer went up near the creek, the Zeus team had won.

Will came over to Nico and examined his hands 'Ouch' he said in an apologetic tone. 'I thought healing was your speciality' grumbled Nico 'not injuring people'. Will shrugged 'I have bad days'.
He took a bandage out of his pocket and began gently wrapping it around Nico's hand 'You know what, I think you might just survive.'
'Shut up'
'I was just giving you the good news'.
Nico scowled 'So I can still do this then?' He punched Will in the arm.
'You know what, I think you might just survive.' Mocked Nico as he stood up and brushed the dirt off his clothes.
'Not exactly the first date I imagined, but it's better than nothing.' Said Will as he retrieved his dagger from the tree. Nico blushed a violent shade of red 'This wasn't, we're not, I-' he stuttered.
'Good night death boy.' Said Will before kissing Nico lightly on the cheek and walking off.

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