11. WILL

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After dinner, Will and Percy headed to the Poseidon cabin.
Percy told will what Annabeth had said.
'So, its not just you?' Asked Will.
'Guess not.. but if it's just me and Annabeth then maybe it has something to do with Tartarus?'
Will frowned 'But then Nico would also be experiencing the same thing.'
Percy shrugged 'Maybe he is?'
Will shook his head 'No, he would've said.. and anyway I'd notice' he said referring to the cuts both Percy and Annabeth kept getting. Percy said nothing.
When they reached the Poseidon cabin, Will took a small square of yellow material from his pocket. He dropped it on the floor in front of him and it expanded into a tent 'Got Lou Ellen to hide it with the mist, that way the cleaning harpies won't bother me.'
'Smart' said Percy staring at the tent as if it would disappear.
'I'll take watch out here' said Will putting down his bow.
Percy relaxed slightly 'Thanks' he said nodding before walking into his cabin.

Will sat in the entrance of his tent with his bow next to him, he hummed to himself to fill the silence.
After about an hour, he saw something. A dark figure stood at the edge of the forest.
Will squinted to see, the figure was short and skinny, they wore dark clothes and a sword hung at their side resembling Nico's. 'Wait a second...' he muttered 'NICO?!'
The boy turned to see him, and quickly slipped into the trees. Furious, Will grabbed his bow and quiver and ran towards the forest ignoring any chance of stealth.
Once he was completely surrounded by trees he noticed a lot of flaws in his plan. Firstly he was freezing because he'd left his coat in his tent, secondly he couldn't see a thing, thirdly Nico was no where to be seen, and well I think you get the general idea. 'Nico!' He called out into the woods.
There was no reply.
He thought about turning back, but he wasn't sure which way "back" was. In the dark everything looked unfamiliar, 'Nico!' He shouted again a little louder.
He herd Nico shout back in distress 'Will where are you! Help please.' His voice sounded pained as if he was hurt. Will fought the urge to rush towards the voice. Something wasn't right, he kept quiet and waited, his bow loaded with a sharp tipped celestial bronze arrow.
Suddenly he saw a figure approach, it was distinctly a cyclops, in one hand it held a double bladed axe that gleamed in the moonlight, beside walked Nico.
The cyclops had been imitating Nico trying to lure Will to his death.
Nico rested his hand on the hilt of his sword and held a piece of paper in the other.
Quickly, he hurried behind a nearby tree
'well son of Hades, you followed the instructions, I'm impressed.' The voice was deep and cruel.
'You didn't exactly give me an option.' Snapped Nico. Wait? Was he working with the cyclops?
The cyclops laughed 'you caused me a lot of trouble in Tartarus, if I had my way I'd kill you slowly but I've been... lets say advised against it.'
'By who?' Demanded Nico.
The cyclops laughed which sounded more like a car driving into a lake but Will wasn't about to point that out.
'If however I find out you were lying about there not being anyone else here, I will make sure you suffer.'
'Well, if there was anyone else' he said raising his voice slightly 'then I think they would be INSANE to follow and I would tell them just how stupid they were and that they should go back to camp now.'
There was silence.
'But there isn't so nevermind'
The cyclops didn't appear to notice Nico's all too subtle warning. 'Even if I knew which way camp was, I wouldn't leave' thought Will to himself.
'Where are we going anyway, and what do you need me for.' Asked Nico.
'Well you have the map, I was just sent to make sure you arrived alone.'
Will could hear their footsteps getting closer 'Well you got me, I'm alone. You can leave now.' He said as they walked straight past Will's hiding place.
The cyclops walked past and sniffed loudly 'do you smell-'
'It's probably me!' Shouted Nico 'I am a Demigod after all.' He tried to keep his voice level but it wasnt working.
'No, someone else is here, come out little demigod, I smell a child of Apollo.'
He heard Nico unsheathe his sword, it was at that moment he came out from behind the tree.
The cyclops laughed and swung his axe excitedly.
'Solace, I'm gonna kill you.' Shouted Nico
Will fired an arrow at the cyclops before replying 'maybe we should focus all the killing in this general direction for now.'
The cyclops snapped the arrow's shaft and swung his axe again, it just missed Will's neck but grazed his forehead.
Nico ran behind the cyclops and mouthed 'distract him'.
He nodded and began firing more arrows.
He jumped narrowly avoiding having his feet cut off as the axe swept across the floor. 'I think I will kill you first' he said pointing at Will 'and then I'll let your friend watch you die.'
He caught a glimpse of Nico climbing a tree but quickly changed his focus back to the cyclops.
Will glared at him 'Well, firstly' he sidestepped as the cyclops swung downwards trying to split Will in half 'he's my boyfriend, and secondly' he fired a fart arrow up one of the cyclops' nostrils 'I think it's you who's going to die'.
At that moment, Nico di Angelo jumped from the trees and struck. His sword went right through the cyclops' back'. Instantly he crumbled to dust leaving Nico free falling through the air.

Will ran over to him 'are you okay?' Nico nodded sitting up. 'You however, maybe not so much' he inspected Will's forehead 'you've got a nasty cut.' He stated.
Will nodded, the adrenaline wearing off. 'Can I borrow your sword?' He asked, Nico gave it to him.
Carefully he cut the bottom of his shirt making a makeshift bandage, he tied it around his head and gave back Nico's sword.
'Aren't you freezing?' He asked gesturing at Will's shortsleeved orange shirt 'Here' said Nico taking off his coat and handing it to Will. 'Well now you're going to be cold'.
'You're wearing shorts. Just shut up and take the coat.'

'What are you doing out here anyway?' Asked Will.
'I'll tell you on the way' replied Nico as he stood up and brushed of the dirt from his jeans.

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