14. WILL

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As he woke, everything came back to him.
His hands and feet were bound and he couldn't speak because of the cloth covering his mouth.
He was no longer in the clearing from last night, but in a much denser part of the woods.
Trying to call out he could only make muffled cries. Even if someone happened to be out in this part of the woods which was unlikely, they wouldn't hear him.
His head throbbed from the cut the cyclops had given him, he needed to sterilize it soon or it could get infected.
It was then that he noticed Eris stood behind him.
He glared at the goddess as she stared amused at him. Slowly she got up and began to circle Will.

She stopped in front of him.
'You demigods have always fascinated me' she began, 'your willingness to survive despite the gods, to save everyone at the cost of your own lives'.
He looked away from her trying to drown out her voice.
'Tell me son of Apollo,' her cold hand reached under his chin and forced him to look at her, 'what is your father like?'
He continued to ignore her staring into the distance.
'Well?' She said loudly as the bonds around Will's feet and wrists broke.
Waiting, she watched as he untied the gag taking in deep breaths of air. He was weak and shivering but refused to look the goddess in the eyes.
'No? Nothing?'
He tried to stand but his legs were too weak and gave way.
'I thought as much' she said.
'What have the God's ever done for you? How much have your friends suffered at their hands?'
Will glared at the goddess 'I know what you're doing' he said quietly 'but it isn't working. You can't turn me against them, they may not be perfect but they're still family.'
Eris frowned sharply 'You know nothing!' She took a deep breath before continuing 'don't you worry son of Apollo there's still plenty of time for you to swear your allegiance to me.' She spoke confidently as she sat in a throne made from twisted apple trees 'by the time I'm finished with you, your friends won't even recognise you.' Her image began to flicker, she frowned disconcertingly. She opened her mouth to speak again but before she could, disappeared.

Why had she just disappeared? What was she going to do to him? He didn't waste time thinking about it, instead he once again tried to stand but he was to tired and frail.
Despairing he tried to think, what would annabeth do? He asked himself. She would stop, and go through everything she had he decided.
There wasn't much to go through, his bow and quiver were no where to be seen and he hadn't brought anything else into the woods with him. At least he still had Nico's coat on, but even with it he was freezing.
Examining his surroundings, he spotted a branch nearby which he could use as a makeshift crutch. He tried to reach for it but it was just out of reach, straining to grab it he still couldn't reach.
'Great' he said aloud.
Propping himself up on his elbows, he crawled towards it wincing as every time he moved pain filled his body.
Finally he managed to reach the branch, he held it upright using it to bring himself to a standing position. Realistically he wasn't going to get very far but he had to try.

Slowly he began too walk forwards, the trees were too dense for him to see the sun so he had no clue where he was going.
After walking for what seemed like hours, he reached a clearing... No wait, it was the same clearing from his dreams except the creek wasn't frozen over, and patches of sunlight shone through the trees.
He wasn't chained like in his dreams and it almost felt, safe.
Suddenly, there was a noise. A rustling from behind him, he turned to see the dark figure of 'Nico!' He cried out.
Nico ran to him and hugged him tightly. He dropped his makeshift crutch and clung onto him.
'God's I didn't think I'd see you again' he said, tears filling his eyes 'Me neither! Gods I'm so sorry Will, what happened to you? Are you okay? Did she hurt you?' He began, his expression serious as he examined Will to see if he was hurt.
'Nico, I'm fine. It's not your fault, you did everything you could'
Nico's expression softened, 'I was worried about you Solace,' he said moving closer. 'I was so scared that she'd hurt you.'
Their lips were almost touching, 'I missed you' he finished before closing the gap between them.
Will was filled with warmth as they kissed, their lips moving together in perfect time, he ran his fingers through Nico's hair as they moved apart for air.
'I missed you too' He said beaming, nothing mattered in that moment. He was safe and no longer alone.

'Nico?' He called out, 'Nico!?' He shouted this time, but the son of hades was no where to be seen. 'Nico..?' He called one last time, fear catching him.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.
Will was laying at the edge of the creek, mist and darkness filled the air. The water was silent and frozen over, he realised what was happening.
Quickly he turned to his side supporting himself with his arms, he vomited on the floor beside him. Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.
'Don't you see Will?' Spoke the voice of Eris as she walked up behind him and leaned down to him.
'I own you'

He felt despair unlike ever before.

'Please, stop. Just kill me' he whispered.

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