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Nico ran into the woods until he couldn't run any further. Will had kissed him! And he'd run away? Everything was so confusing. He sat down on a rock as he regained his breath. Will probably thought he hated him now, but he just didn't know how to react. Will had been so nice to him, he'd invited him to sit at the Apollo table, well more like commanded him to but still the gesture was still kind, he'd also let Nico join his cabin for archery. Sure, maybe archery wasn't exactly his thing but it had been fun to do camp activities with another cabin. Not to mention Will had looked pretty cute when he was firing his bow, his blond hair caught the sunlight making it glow with warmth.
'I should probably go and talk to him' Nico thought out loud. Normally he just ran away from his problems but this time he was determined to break the pattern.
As he walked back through the forest he heard something move in the bushes. Instinctively, he took out his sword. The noise stopped but Nico wasn't convinced. Slowly he edged closer, he took a deep breath before pushing aside the leaves to reveal 'JASON!' He shouted in anger.
'Hey Nico' he said trying to act casual. 'Uh nice day for a'
'- What are you doing here' exclaimed Nico 'I could've killed you' he said as he put away his sword.
'Ha yeah sorry Nico. Oh well best be off then' he began to walk off.
Nico gave him a death glare 'you were following me weren't you'. Jason rubbed his neck 'I was just, you know. Making sure you were okay'
'Well I'm fine so you can leave now' snapped Nico. Jason held up his hands 'Okay, okay, sorry. But are you sure you're okay? Maybe I should Just come with you, help you look for Will?' 'So you were spying on me!' Jason winced 'Sorry' Nico was angry but it was nice to see how much Jason cared even if he did completely invade his privacy by following him.
'Fine' he decided. Jason smiled and followed Nico back through the woods.

They went back to where Nico had left Will but he wasn't there, then they decided to check the infirmary. He wasn't there either. 'Should I ask the others?' Jason asked 'maybe they can help find him'. Nico nodded, 'he should be here... this is all my fault' 'Come on Nico, we'll find him'. Nico frowned with uncertainty.
'I'll go get Piper' Jason said before he ran off towards the Aphrodite cabin.

They searched for the rest of the day until they were all exhausted. Nico had even gone to dinner at the pavilion but Will was nowhere to be seen. 'I'm sure he'll come back when he's ready' said Piper at the campfire, she put a little charmspeak into her voice but Nico remained anxious. 'I ran off' he said bitterly 'Finally I find someone who accepts me and even likes me' his voice cracked 'and I ruin everything'. Piper fiddled with her braid 'Nico, if he likes you then I'm sure he'll understand. You need to rest and then tomorrow we can continue looking for him'.
Disheartened Nico walked back to his cabin and fell asleep.

This time he was back in Tartarus, the air burned his lungs and stung his eyes. He looked around him, panic beginning to rise. He was alone, walking through Tartarus alone. 'I'm certain' came a deep voice from behind, quickly Nico scrambled behind a large jagged spike in the ground. 'Well you must be wrong, no demigod could survive this long.' Said a quieter more soft voice. The other voice grumbled in disagreement. Nico risked a look back, he saw two figures. One was a tall lumbering cyclops, he shouldered a wicked looking double bladed axe. The other was a ghostly looking creature, it floated beside the cyclops, it had a dark red aura and every now and then it flicked releasing a violent burst of energy.
Suddenly the cyclops stopped in its tracks and looked towards Nico. Quickly he ducked his head back behind the rock 'please don't see me' he prayed. There was a deathly moment of silence before the footsteps continued, Nico waited until he was sure the footsteps had gone. He was about to move from his hiding place when a wave of panic went through him, suddenly he ducked covering his head with his hands. There was a ear splitting smash from above him as the top of the rock broke off as an axe cut clean through it. Nico rolled to the side just in time to avoid another strike.
The cyclops laughed 'DEMIGOD' he exclaimed 'I told you didn't I' he said glancing back at the ghostly figure 'A son of Hades no less, I smell death on you demigod.'
Nico clenched his jaw and kept his sword between the cyclops and himself. 'Leave me alone' he said 'I'm warning you' he tried to sound threatening but he just ended up sounding weak and tired.
'Bold words demigod but your father will not protect you here' he swung his axe down and Nico sidestepped it barely avoiding death. Suddenly the cyclops stopped. This hadn't happened before.
The cyclops' eyes glowed blue and a voice unlike his own spoke from it. 'Beware son of Hades!' It warned 'If you are to protect those you care about you must sacrifice much'
'What's going to happen?' Asked Nico stunned but the blue light had faded and the cyclops struck again, this time Nico didn't anticipate an attack. The axe swung at him.

He woke with a start.
His forehead was beaded with sweat. Suddenly he remembered 'Will'.
Quickly he got changed and left his cabin. He began walking towards the infirmary, hopefully Will would be there. When he got there Piper was waiting for him 'Nico, we found him'.
She told him they found him passed out on the beach, 'he's in the infirmary it was cold last night. His body temperature is below 35°C, he's got hypothermia but he'll be alright.' She said using a little charmspeak to calm Nico 'Kayla is looking after him'.
Nico wasn't sure if he was going to punch Will or hug him, he was fuming when he saw him 'Solace! What in the gods were you doing? I looked for you all day!' Will was shivering, his lips were slightly blue but otherwise he looked unharmed. 'Hey death boy' he said smirking. Nico realised he'd made a scene and looked uncomfortably at Kayla. She took that as her queue and suddenly decided there was something she needed to do.
Will looked down guiltily 'look Nico, about yesterday I'm sorry I just thought that maybe-' Nico cut him off by pressing his lips to Will's, his lips were ice cold but he didn't care. When he finally he pulled away Will finished with '-you'd like me.' Nico smiled 'I'm sorry for running off, it's my fault. I just got scared but I didn't need to be.' Will shrugged 'Well look where running off got me, I get kisses from the Ghost king himself.' Nico frowned playfully 'A kiss, dont get ahead of yourself Solace. Anyway' he said beginning to mimic Will 'You owe me at least three days of rest in the infirmary. Starting now.'

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