19. NICO

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One month later

Nico was woken to light streaming through the windows. His mind was still in a sleeping state but his eyes squinted open to the bright sun rays. Blinking the sleep from his eyes, the son of Hades sat up in his bed staring at the open windows. He groaned loudly wishing for sleep to take him, but to no avail.

'WILL!' He shouted using what stength he could muster.
There was no response.
'Why do you have to do this to me!' He shouted staring at the parted curtains that usually remained closed. Will had a disturbing habbit of waking Nico up early in the morning by opening the curtains, allowing the morning sun to blind him.
'Can you at least shut the curtains?' Nico asked in a exasperated tone.
Still no reply.
'Fine, if you want to be like that' he thought to himself bitterly as he grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor and a clean crumpled shirt.
Frustrated he shoved his sword into his belt and stomped to the door. Before he even made it out of the exit he heard a quiet footstep and instinctively ducked before the arm could reach him. Grabbing the arm and twisting it suddenly, throwing his assailant over his shoulder onto the floor behind him he drew his sword and-

'Nico!' Called out the winded voice of Will.

'Solace?' Shocked Nico dropped his sword and stared confused at his boyfriend.
'What are you doing...'

Will groaned as he clutched his arm, 'I was checking your reflexes' he said with his eyes closed in pain, 'is it broken? I feel like its broken. Oh Gods Nico did you have to be so harsh. Can you see the bone, it's probably a compound fracture, ugh my humerus it hurts so bad.'

Nico stood stunned and stared at the blabbering idiot laying before him. 'Why did you need to test my reflexes?'

'Because I don't want you getting attacked' he muttered, taking sharp intakes of air.

'Well I doubt anyone's going to be able to attack me with you stalking me' Nico grumbled as he crouched down to help him up.
'Considering you are a doctor, you're very melodramatic about your own injuries' he observed.

'I'm not a doctor Nico, and I don't think you realise how strong you are' he whined

'Is that a compliment?' Nico asked smirking

'No, not after you threw me on the floor.'

The son of Hades leaned down and carefully helped Will sit up, gently caressing his arm and pecking his lips with his own.
Will smiled in Nico's embrace before pulling back slightly and punching him in the arm.
Nico groaned holding his own arm and staring wide eyed at Will.
'Way to ruin the moment' he complained rubbing the spot he had hit.

Will smiled brightly 'better touch up on your reflexes then' he said before grabbing Nico and linking their hands together.
'You'd better not wake me up like this every morning' he said accepting Will's warm hand and walking out of the cabin with him.

After breakfast Will had decided to drag Nico along to his cabin. Everyone else in the Apollo cabin had activities or duties in the infirmary so they were left alone. Will sat Nico down on his bed and went over to a stack of photos he'd left on the table. Grabbing them he sat beside Nico and showed him.
'I got these printed the other day' he said as Nico flicked through them.
'I've had them for so long but I didn't have the chance get them developed. Aww look' he said pointing to a picture of him hugging Nico at the end of a game of capture the flag.
'The rare time we teamed up and we won, you could have tried to look a bit happier in that photo' he said looking at the particularly unimpressed face the son of Hades had pulled.

'I was happy on the inside, isn't that what matters?' Nico murmured.

Will raised an eyebrow 'well you hid it very well.'

Ignoring his comment, Nico continued to look through the photo's before stopping at one and frowning harshly.
'When did you take this..?' He asked holding up a photo of him sleeping.
Will blushed a violent shade of red and tried to snatch the photo from him 'I-uh I... ugh just give it back Nico' he whined with embarrassment.
Nico smiled in amusement as he watched him trying to grab the image back off of him.
Taking advantage of the close proximity, he leaned forwards and caught the son of Apollo's lips with his, kissing him slowly. Soon, what had started with a gentle kiss turned more intense.

Suddenly the door to the cabin opened and they both turned towards the intruder.
'OH GODS' said Percy in a frustrated tone. 'Why is it always me,' he questioned turning his back on the pair.
'Sorry just pretend I wasn't here' he said half walking half running out of the room.
Both Will and Nico were pink with embarrassment but before Nico had a chance to recover himself Will had grabbed the photo back off of him and stuffed it in his pocket.
'Really!?' Asked Nico questioning Will's priorities.
Will shrugged before returning to the kiss.

Eventually they parted and Will lay so his head was resting in Nico's lap.

'You're a weird' said Nico as he played with Will's Hair.

'You're mean' he retorted.

'You don't mean that'

Will didn't reply and Nico smirked in triumph.

They sat in silence, enjoying each other's presence.

Just as Nico thought Will had fallen asleep, he mumbled quietly 'I love you' and opened his eyes slightly to admire him from below.

Nico looked down at the blonde boy and smiled whispering 'I love you too'.


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