12. NICO

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As they walked, Nico explained what had happened outside the Hermes Cabin.
'I wanted to tell you, I just didn't want you to get hurt.'
Will frowned 'And you think I'd rather watch you get hurt?' He asked in a pained tone.

They walked in silence

'I was scared.' Began Nico as he twisted the ring on his finger, 'I've been alone for so long, lost people close to me. I couldn't.. I didn't want to loose you too.' His eye shone with sadness.
Will stopped. He placed his hand on Nico's cheek and gently kissed his lips. His lips were warm as they moved in sync, momentarily in their secluded bubble of happiness.
'Whatever happens, I want to be beside you' said Will taking Nico's hand.
He smiled to himself, blushing and he held Will's hand.

They reached a clearing lined by apple trees. The air felt colder than before and Nico motioned for Will to be quiet. 'Stay here' he whispered crouching behind a bush.
Will nodded and notched his an arrow in case he needed to help. Cautiously, the son of Hades stepped into the clearing, sword in hand ready for an attack.

There was complete silence.

'My, my Nico di Angelo.' Said a soft voice, cutting through the void. 'How, delightful you finally decided to join me.'
Nico looked around for the owner of the voice but there was no one there.
'Where are you?' He asked calmly as his eyes darted around looking for movement.
The voice laughed lightly, but there was a coldness beneath the surface, 'I suppose I shouldn't be rude in the company of my guests.'
A woman stepped out from between two apple trees, 'although I seem to remember my instructions asking for you to be alone.' She had a tall slender figure with long, dark brown hair cascading down her back. A thin golden wreath balanced perfectly on her head, her pale skin matching the flowing white chiton she wore, clinched at the waist by a golden band.

Will now stood beside Nico, his bow still loaded and pointed at the woman.
'Well now, there's no need for weapons. After all, I'd hate to ruin that pretty little face of yours.' She said, her dark eyes staring intensely at Will.
'Who are you?' He asked not loosening his grip on the bow string. She smirked.
'I am Eris, goddess of chaos, strife and discord.' She stepped closer and lowered her voice. 'Now, I'll ask you again.' Her tone was deadly serious, 'put away your weapons or I can't promise this will end well.'
She radiated power, and it was becoming increasingly more noticeable. Nico slowly sheathed his sword although he kept his hand firmly resting in its hilt, Will followed his example and lowered his bow before replacing the arrow to his quiver. 'What's all this about?!' Asked Nico raising his voice, 'you keep telling me to find you, to "resurrect" you. You mess with my friends heads, you leave me this.' He threw the map down on the floor with the words "Come Alone" printed neatly on the back.
Eris' smile didnt waver, she watched amused.
'Well?! It doesn't look like I need to "resurrect" you, you seem alive enough to me' Shouted Nico, his knuckles turning white as his grip tightened around the hilt of his sword.
'Nico calm down' said Will, his tone soothing 'can't you see she's enjoying this, this is what she does. Isn't it?' He said addressing the goddess, 'you enjoy this, the anger, the fighting, you helped start the Trojan war, didn't you.' He said remembering the story.
Eris smiled cruelly and spoke 'Yes, I did.' She began as she slowly walked around them.
'All of the Gods had been invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, parents of Achilles. This however did not include me.' She began, the bitterness in her voice filling her words. 'So I decided to have a little fun at the expense of the other Gods and dropped the golden Apple of Discord into the party with the words "To The Fairest One" inscribed onto it. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite all thought the apple was meant for them, so Zues appointed Paris, Prince of Troy to solve the argument. Each goddess offered Paris a gift, but in the end he picked Aphrodite, who promised him the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen, wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta.'

Nico looked around, and started to notice all the apples on the trees weren't yellow, but gold. 'What do you want?' He asked drawing his sword, but she was too quick for him and lunged forwards. Her hand was clamped around Will's neck making him unable to breath. 'What I want' she snapped viciously 'Is to create chaos, and in order to do that I need to be fully present. This is but a small part of my mind standing here, but think of what I could do if I was in one place.'
Will's eyes were beginning to close, his hands loosening around Eris' wrist. 'Please! Just let him go' Cried Nico. Eris smiled, her eyes glistening with malice. 'Who better than a child of Hades, an outcast, alone and feared to help me destroy all that the God's have created.'
Nico scowled, 'If you will not do it willingly, perhaps you will consider your friend's life as a suitable incentive.' She said tightening her grip.
Will was on the verge of death and Nico could sense it. 'FINE!' He shouted 'Just let him go.' The goddess let go and Will fell to the floor, Nico tried to run to him but found he couldn't move. 'For now until you've proven yourself, I will keep him as my... assurance.' She said coldly 'And if you do not follow my instructions, I will make him suffer unimaginable pain.'
The air began to thicken as mist poured around Eris, Nico screamed but still could not move. 'Goodbye Nico di Angelo. Do not displease me.'

His eyes began to feel heavy and his legs weakened.

'Will' he muttered as he blacked out.

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