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Obviously he'd walked in at the worst time possible, he'd heard about what had happened and wanted to check on Will, he also wanted to ask him about something but that could wait. So obviously because of his natural intellect he didn't think about knocking and interrupted Nico and Will having a little moment.

Patiently, he waited outside watching demigods run around doing camp activities. In the distance he could see a group of campers desperately swatting at a camper who'd slipped on the climbing wall and subsequently fallen in the lava setting themself on fire.
He sighed concentrating on the water cooler laying beside them. Suddenly his ears popped along with the pressure inside the cooler, water sprayed all over the campers setting out the fire. This had become something he'd had to do more and more often 'THANKS PERCY!' Shouted the almost barbecued demigod in no apparent direction, Percy smiled 'water boy to the rescue' he muttered to himself.
'You can go in now..'
Percy nearly jumped out of his skin, Nico had just materialised behind him. He was trying his best to scowl but it wasn't really working.
Percy cleared his throat 'uh, thanks man.' He replied getting to his feet and heading inside.
Nico walked off, he seemed in a bit of a hurry. As Percy pushed open the door to the Apollo cabin he turned around to see Annabeth, he tried to wave but she didn't see and he just ended up bashing his hand on the door frame.

The apollo cabin was well lit, it was almost glowing you could say but what did you expect.
Percy coughed awkwardly 'Hey, how you feeling?'
'Better thanks.'
'So.. you and Nico' Percy said grinning.
Will blushed and laughed 'yeah, on the outside he's cold and closed off but once you annoy him enough he begins to open up. I mean nothing says I love you more than passing out in his arms.'
Percy raised his eyebrows 'I love you?' He repeated. Will went bright red 'I mean, he's a, I think I, ugh please don't tell him I said that.'
'My lips are sealed.'
'Anyway,' began Will, eager to change the subject 'was there something I could help you with?'
'Well, I keep getting these dreams.'
Will's blood went cold 'Did they by any chance have something to do with the forest?'
Percy frowned 'No, why?'
'No reason, so what's so unusual about the dreams you've been having?'
'It starts out nice enough normally, me and Annabeth walking through new Rome. It's all sunny and happy etcetera etcetera but then the ground splits between us, I try to jump over to the other side but just fall into the chasm scrapping my hands on the edge of the other side and then I wake up.'
'That doesn't sound that unusual to me.'
'You wake up outside..?'
'Yep, every night for the past few days. Also when I wake up, my hands are covered in blood and cuts.'
Will frowned 'Can I see?' Percy held his hands up which were unscathed. 'Water heals it.' He said shrugging.
The son of Apollo shook his head 'No, I mean can I see what happens. I'll camp outside your cabin and wait until you leave.'
'That could work.' Said Percy 'Do you think it's one of the Gods messing with me?'
Will shook his head 'It's probably nothing too bad, just left over trauma from your trip to Tartarus. Or,'
'Or its not.'
'Thanks for clearing that up for me.' He joked. 'Well thanks, I'll see you this evening I guess. Get better soon.'
Will nodded appreciatively and Percy left the room.

'Percy!' Annabeth shouted as she tackled him into a hug.
'Woah, hey there wise girl.' He said closing his arms around her.
'You didn't forget did you?' Percy's mind went into panic, forget..? Forget what? Once he'd forgotten their one month anniversary and there had been that whole thing with Hermes' staff and the sewers so Percy took forgetting things as a bad omen.
'Nope, course not.' He said not even convincing himself.
'You said you had to tell me something. You said it was important.'
'Oh yeah!' Said Percy remembering the conversation they'd had only yesterday.
'Lets go somewhere else first.' He said as they began to walk towards the Poseidon cabin. Directly behind it was a large tree with curved branches, he and Annabeth would sometimes sit in it together and talk about things that were bothering them. They climbed to the first branches about two metres above the ground, he draped his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer.
He began to tell her about the dreams, she frowned but didn't look as surprised as he thought she would. That was when he noticed her hands.
They'd been rubbed raw, and were covered in small cuts.
'You've been having the same dream?' He deduced, she nodded 'It can't be a coincidence.' She said. Percy told her about his and Will's plan for the evening 'maybe you could come as well I mean if you're having the same dream they must be linked. But first thing's first, come with me.'
He jumped down from the tree and helped Annabeth down after him (not that she needed it but it was the polite thing to do) they walked towards the beach their arms linked.
When they got to the water Percy guided Annabeth towards it.
'No, no no it's freezing.'
'Just trust me okay?' He said as he stepped into the waves willing himself to stay dry, he pulled Annabeth in concentrating on keeping her dry too. Then he held her hands and slowly the water began to swirl around them, the cuts healed and her hands returned to their normal colour. Annabeth watched in awe as her skin healed, she grabbed Percy pulling him close and kissing him. Okay maybe he should've been concentrating more but Annabeth distracted him. He was so focused on her that he forgot to keep them dry and suddenly the cold water hit his skin making him shiver. 'Seaweed brain!' She shrieked as the icy evening water soaked though her clothes.
'Oops' he said as the began to wade their way to the shore.
'You're impossible.' She muttered although she didn't seem that annoyed.
'You're beautiful.' He muttered back resuming their kiss.

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