16. NICO

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They walked in silence, thoughts flooded Nico's mind.
The Ares cabin loomed ahead, Nico gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, he prepared himself to stay calm.
As they reached the door of the Ares cabin Piper turned to face him. 'Ready?' She asked nervously.
He nodded and knocked on the door.
There was a loud crash from inside followed by the distinctive sound of Clarisse yelling at someone. The door flung open and Clarisse stood in front of them, her expression surprised but not happy. 'What do you want?' She asked impatiently.
Piper forced a smile 'We just wanted to know if you knew anything about the goddess Eris?'
Clarisse narrowed her eyes and snapped 'why don't you ask the athena cabin, I'm sure they've got a whole library on her.'
Remaining patient Piper replied 'We did, but there's not many records of her, only that she's Ares' sister. If you have anything you know that might help us we would really appreciate it.' She even put a little charmspeak into her voice to try and convince Clarisse.
'Well I don't know anything' she said before slamming the door.
'She's lying' said Nico unsheathing his sword.
'Are you sure?' Asked Piper.
Nico shook his head, 'but there's only one way to find out' he said knocking loudly.
This time Clarisse opened the door and shouted 'What!?'
Nico held his sword towards her 'Stop wasting our time and tell us what you know.' His tone serious.
Clarisse laughed 'You've got a lot of guts, but you'd better leave before I show you what a real sword can do.'
Anger began to rise in the son of Hades 'Last chance' he said through gritted teeth.
Clarisse drew her sword 'come on then, fight me. Lets see how long you last'. Suddenly she swung her sword at Nico forcing him backwards away from the Ares cabin. 'I don't have time for this!' Snarled Nico as he parried Clarisse's strike 'Just tell me what you know!'
Clarisse smiled maliciously, her eyes clouding over until they were completely black, 'did you really think it would be that easy?' she said in a voice which wasn't her own. Nico ducked underneath her sword and jabbed towards her shoulder 'Eris!' He shouted as she deflected his sword.
Clarisse attacked cutting into Nico's thigh.
He winced but continued to defend. 'Bring them to me if you ever want to see the son of Apollo again' she said before dropping her sword and sinking to her knees.
Nico attacked, his mind filled with anger.
Piper parried his sword with her dagger 'NICO! STOP!' She shouted forcing him to instantly drop his sword. He looked at Clarisse and then at Piper 'Gods, do you see what she's doing!' He said angrily, 'she's playing with my mind!' He shouted clenching his fists.
'Nico I get it but you can't let her, she's the goddess of discord so you're only making it worse.'
He sighed 'You're right' he said picking up his sword. 'Its getting dark we should probably go find the others' he said sheathing his sword.
Piper nodded and they began to walk towards the forest.

When they reached the edge of the forest the others were waiting for them.
'Find anything?' Asked Percy.
Nico shook his head, 'nothing, what about you?'
Annabeth shook her head.
'Only more of the same, Eris isn't mentioned much in any of the books we read' said Percy.
'I got some spare weapons but thats about it' said Jason showing the bow and arrows slung over his shoulder.
'Were going to have to improvise then' said Piper. Nico nodded
'We need to go now if we're going to get there in time' he said, and with that he disappeared into the forest.
Percy uncapped riptide and followed with the others.

They walked in silence following Nico, if it weren't for Percy's sword it would be pitch black.
After a while, Nico walked next to Piper. 'I just wanted to say thanks for not letting me hurt Clarisse' he said quietly. 'It's fine Nico, that's what friends are for' she said.
'I know but I could have killed her, then I'd be exactly what everyone expects of me.'
'No Nico, no one thinks that. We all know you're nothing like that.'
Nico smiled 'Thanks Piper' he said as they continued in silence.

After what seemed like hours they finally reached the clearing. It was empty but Nico knew Eris was somewhere near. 'Eris!' Shouted Nico as he unsheathed his sword, 'I did what you wanted so let Will go!'
There was no sound, no movement, nothing.
'We're here lady, so give us Will' shouted Percy as he forwards.
The temperature dropped, and fog rolled into the clearing. 'Well done Nico di Angelo, well I suppose a deal is a deal' suddenly Eris appeared in the centre of the clearing, at her feet Will lay unconscious. 'Son of Poseidon and Jupiter' she said smirking. 'drop your weapons and swear your allegiance to me on the river styx and you may have Will Solace.'
'How do we know you won't double cross us' asked Jason.
Eris thought for a minute. 'Well let me answer your question with my own. Son of hades, you can sense when someone is near death. How long would you say Will has left?"'
Nico drew his sword and stepped towards her only to find his path blocked by Annabeth.
'Annabeth? What are you doing?' Asked Percy with surprise.
'She can't hear you' said Eris.
'What have you done to her!' Asked Percy, his tone dangerously angry.
'Poor girl' began Eris 'She tried so hard to resist, as did you Perseus Jackson.'
'What are you talking about!?' Asked Percy.
'Don't tell me you don't recognise this place' she said gesturing around her 'you and Annabeth came here every night. The cuts on your hands were your own fault, if you had stopped fighting against me you would never have got them.'
Percy frowned. 'I only had time to get through to Annabeth fully, but if you and Jason swear your allegiance to me then I will finally regain my full power.'
Percy went forwards to attack but could barely move. He felt a force pushing against him, willing him to attack the others. It took all his strength to resist. The force took control making him attack swinging his sword at Jason. Jason deflected the attack with his sword and Percy tried to resist slowing his attacks and trying to drop his sword.
Annabeth lunged towards Nico with her dagger but was slower than usual. It was as if she were fighting for control over her body. He easily parried the attack and Piper came to his side.
'I'll hold off Annabeth, you go and get Will. Nico nodded and ran towards Eris.

'Nico di Angelo' she said relishing in the chaos around them. 'Go on' she said 'attack, I know you want to. All that anger all that hatred-' 'No' said Nico defiantly. He dropped his arm to his side letting his sword hang loosely in his grasp. 'You are the only one filled with hatred.'
Eris was taken aback.
'You hate the God's for how they're treated you and you let it consume you.' He said taking a step towards her.
She stepped back from him, her form flickering. 'No! Are you not angry and alone do you not see everything the Gods have done. Your own father? Never the loving parent, much the opposite.' She replied trying to sound confident although her demeanor was anything but.
'My father is not perfect, and neither are any of the Gods but I won't let that hate consume me as it has you.'
Eris winced in pain. 'Stop it!' She yelled as her image faded.
'You aren't powerful' he continued 'and you have no power over me!' He held our his arms and willed the shadows to surround Eris, pulling her weakened form apart. She screamed in anger as Nico brought his sword down towards her shattering what was left.
Exhausted, he stumbled forwards. The light faded and slowly disappeared.

When Nico woke he was in the infirmary, he felt weak but managed to sit up.
Annabeth stood beside him 'Here' she said handing him a glass of nectar.
'What happened?' He asked and he drunk the nectar.
'Well, you dispersed whatever power Eris had left, instead of fighting her creating chaos and discord you fought her with words. Then you used so much energy summoning the shadows that you passed out.' Replied Annabeth.
'Will, where's Will!?' He asked suddenly remembering.
'He's in the other room.' Said Annabeth as she took the now empty glass from Nico.
He stood up, his legs shaking, griping to the side of the bed for support. 'I need to see him' he said as he began walking towards the door.
'Are you sure, you're still quite weak.'
'Please Annabeth take me to him.'
She sighed and helped him walk towards the door.
When they reached Will's room she stopped. 'I'll wait here give you two some privacy. He's inside.'
'Thank you' said Nico as he entered.

The room was lit by the sun through the window. Will was sat up in bed. His skin pale and bandage wrapped around his head.
Tears threatened to spill from Nico's eyes. 'Will!' He said smiling.
Will looked up at Nico and frowned, his face filled with fear. He shrunk back in his bed. 'NO, YOU'RE NOT REAL!' He yelled covering his ears 'LEAVE ME ALONE!' He shouted squeezing his eyes shut.

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