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Will decided not to mention the actual reason he woke the son of Hades, he decided it may sound a bit intrusive if he told him he saw him crying.
They walked back into the room Nico had slept in that night. Will straightened the bed sheets while Nico picked up his sword from the table. 'So what exactly do you want me to help with?' He asked 'well you could cut some bandages for me?' He handed Nico a roll of bandage. 'Then later we have archery, you could join? It would probably do you good some fresh air.'
Nico grimaced 'Archery isn't really my thing'.
'Come on, it'll be fun. We're having a competition against the Nike cabin' Will tried a convincing smile.
'I think I'll pass.'
'Have you ever even tried archery?' Will asked. Nico frowned knowing Will had caught him out.
'Then you can try today.'
Eventually Nico grudgingly agreed.

After a long morning healing campers Will felt drained, he was glad when he and Nico got to the archery targets. Now he could relax a bit and hopefully Nico felt the same.
He held his bow as he waited for Kayla, Austin was already there warming up with the daughters of Nike, Holly and Laurel Victor. Nico stood awkwardly holding a bow, he looked cute his dark hair framed his face, his eyes were so.. Oh gods he was staring. Quickly he looked away hoping Nico hadn't noticed.
Finally Kayla arrived, her bow slung over her shoulder and a determined look on her face.
'Ready to loose?' Asked Laurel as she spun an arrow around her finger.
Kayla smirked 'Yeah like that's gonna happen'
Holly looked Kayla up and down with pitty 'So rules, whoever gets the highest score from three shots wins the competition for their cabin.'
'And whichever cabin looses has to do the other cabin's chores for two weeks' chimed in Laurel.
'Agreed' said Austin as he shook Laurel's hand to seal the deal.
"What about him?' Asked Holly gesturing towards Nico. 'Oh he's on our team, isn't that right Nico' Said Will as he put his arm around Nico. The son of Hades looked uncomfortable but didn't move away. 'Uh yeah whatever'
Holly laughed 'You're so going to loose'.

Will went first, he smiled confidently at Nico before loading his bow. He pulled the string to his lip aiming at the target and then let go, the arrow struck bullseye.
Austin smirked and high fived Will.
'Nice shot' said Nico. Will blushed 'thanks' he muttered as Kayla and Austin prepared to shoot.
The daughters of Nike were beginning to frown.
Nico was up next 'Are you sure about this?' He asked Will.
He nodded, 'you'll be fine'. Nico held the bow up and aimed at the target, Will gently moved Nico's arm so that his elbow was raised. Nico bit his lip with concentration
'relax your arm' said Will.
Nico frowned at the target and let go. The arrow struck the yellow ring around bullseye. 'Nice, 9' Nico smiled.
After two more rounds it was clear who the winner was, Will had struck bullseye three times. 'So, Holly, Laurel you can start by going and making our beds' said Austin as he smirked at them. They walked off to the Apollo cabin fuming.

'Anyway, we should be going' began Kayla. 'Well actually I was gonna practice a bit more' said Austin. Kayla rolled her eyes in desperation 'Austin, follow' and together they walked off.

Nico looked awkwardly at Will. He looked so good it made Will's heart ache. 'So I should probably go or something' Nico said, his hand defensively resting on the hilt of his sword. Will didn't know what to say.
He ended up saying something really intelligent like 'uh I dont uh'.
Nico raised his eyebrow in confusion before he trudged off towards the infirmary.
'Well done' he thought to himself now he thinks you're a complete wierdo.
'Wait' Will ran after him. Nico turned around and looked skeptically at Will 'I just, was uh thinking. Well I um' Gods why was he suddenly tongue tied, he didn't know how to say it. Finally he gave up on trying to put it into words. He lent towards the son of Hades and lightly kissed him. When Will pulled back he smiled sheepishly, Nico looked stunned he opened his mouth to say something but instead turned and ran.

Will sat on the floor, he was filled with despair. 'Why did I kiss him? Stupid, stupid, stupid' he thought aloud. 'Now he hates me'. He'd been sat there for at least half an hour.
He couldn't stay here where everyone could see his embarrassment. Slowly he stood up and began to walk towards the beach, he liked to listen to the sound of the waves when he was stressed. The waves were calm today, gently washing over the sand.

He sat on the beach firing arrows into the sand. Further down the beach campers were sat together, Percy and Annabeth sat together watching the sea. Will felt envious, it was so easy for them they acted so comfortable together. He wished that could be him and Nico but no, he'd managed to freak him out and now that would never happen.
Will was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't even realise it had got dark. Maybe he should head back.
'Don't despair Will'
Will almost had a heart attack, he hadn't noticed but there was a woman sat next to him. She was elegant and pretty but not exactly Will's type. Her eyes changed colours so he couldn't tell what colour they were and her appearance kept changing, adjusting to Will's version of beauty. 'Aphrodite?' He asked. She smiled 'Yes, goddess of love and beauty.'
Will stared back at the ground awkwardly. 'So you kissed Nico?' She said as if she were his friend. He nodded solemnly 'And he ran off' she said. He nodded again, 'Nico di Angelo.' She paused to think. 'He's a difficult one but don't give up.' Will sighed with exasperation 'well he hates me now' Aphrodite frowned 'he never said he hated you, so you shouldn't jump to conclusions.'
'Just know that you two have a very, interesting future. I hope you'll do me proud'. She said smiling sweetly.
His eyelids suddenly became heavy and he fell asleep.

When he woke Piper was stood above him. 'Oh gods Will, we've all been looking for you!'

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