17. WILL

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Half conscious, Will could hear someone talking quietly to themselves, he recognised the voice from a distant memory. Was he dreaming?
Slowly he opened his eyes. There was darkness, but he could make out the figure of a woman stood beside him.
'It's you?' He mumbled, his voice cracking slightly as he hadn't used it in ages. The woman gently touched his forehead, 'Oh Will.' She said her voice full of sorrow 'the greatest love stories so often end in tragedy... I hope I was not wrong about yours'.
He paused for a moment caught off guard by her reply.
'Are you real?' He asked tentatively. She sighed quietly and replied 'you must learn to see the truth again Will, or you will be forever lost.'
What did that mean? He thought to himself as his eyelids grew heavy and the sudden urge to sleep overcame him.

His head throbbed with pain as he sat up, he was alone.
Looking around Will realised he was in a room which resembled the infirmary... but no, it couldn't be.
It felt so real he wanted to cry, he could no longer distinguish between reality and the illusions in his head.
Looking around him he searched for something, anything that would tell him it was just another fabrication of his mind, another piece if false hope.
It was at that moment the door opened.
A pale boy with dark black hair walked into the room. The boy stared at him before saying 'Will!' and breaking into a smile.
Will examined him. He looked exactly like Nico but-, but it was impossible. He had been tricked so many times that he couldn't believe this was real. Frowning as fear flowed through him, he shrunk back into his bed.
'NO, YOU'RE NOT REAL!' He yelled covering his ears 'LEAVE ME ALONE!' He shouted squeezing his eyes shut to try and escape.

The next time he woke, Piper was sat beside his bed.
He said nothing as he watched her.
'Will? It's just me, Piper' she said in a soothing tone.
He felt instantly calmer.
'You're real?' He asked reaching slowly as if any second she would vaporize.
She nodded and smiled 'Of course I am' she said. 'You've been through a lot, here' she said handing him a glass of juice. He carefully took it and sipped it. It wasn't juice, but as he drunk it a warm feeling overcame him. Instantly he felt better, the pain in his head stopped and he could feel his body filling with energy.
Piper took the glass once he had finished and placed it on the table, 'You've been out for two days' she said.
'But how am I here?' He asked, 'What about Eris?'
'Eris is gone' Piper replied, 'We came to rescue you and Nico destroyed Eris' remaining power.' Will shook his head and hugged his knees, 'No this is a trick, please I can't take it anymore'. Piper put her hand on his shoulder, 'Will, it's real I promise. See I'm here, you really are back at camp and it really was Nico who came in before to see you.'
He looked up at her and whispered 'it's just... every time this happens the next minute I'm back there. Alone and I can't tell what's real' he said, the pain evident in his voice.
Piper nodded 'It's okay Will, you're safe now.'

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
Austin entered the room carrying a pile of clothes. 'Are you feeling a bit better?' He asked Will as he set down the clothes at the end of the bed.
Will nodded watching Austin as if he were trying to remember every detail, trying to catch him out.
'I got you some fresh clothes you can change into and then if you're feeling up for it its almost time for dinner'.
Will said nothing as he carefully stood up, his hands gripped the side of the bed for support.
Piper coughed lightly before saying 'I'll leave you to it' as she began following Austin out of the room.

Will quickly got changed into the orange shirt and fresh pair of jeans Austin had left him. Catching his reflection in the mirror he saw a frail impression of himself.
The boy in his reflection dark circles under his eyes and he was ghostly pale. A white bandage was wrapped around his head, gently he unwrapped it to reveal the infected cut that was slowly healing thanks to the nectar.
With shaking hands he took a new bandage from the cupboard and replaced the bloodied one securing it neatly to cover the wound. It felt comforting for him to do something that came naturally to him.
He made his way out of the infirmary. His legs felt weak beneath him but he kept walking. The evening air was warm and everything was bathed in a rich amber glow from the sun as it dipped into the horizon.
Transfixed, Will stared at the sunset, his mind ached.
He didnt know how long he'd been stood there, but there was now someone beside him.
They stood in silence for a while.

Will placed his hand into Nico's, their fingers entwined.
'I never stopped thinking about you' muttered Will, 'that's why I-...' he stopped.
Nico rested his head on Wills shoulder, 'it's okay' he almost whispered.
Will sighed , 'I-... I just, don't think I can take any-... anymore false hope.'
Nico moved in front of Will. 'It's me' he said as he gently pulled him closer until their lips met. Slowly they parted and moved together as they exchanged air, they never wanted the moment to end.

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