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After capture the flag, Jason noticed two campers were missing. Nico and Will still hadn't come back.
He studied the crowd but didn't see either of them.
'They'll be fine' reassured Piper as if reading his mind. She slipped her hand into his and smiled reassuringly.
'I hope so..'
He felt as if the world couldn't be more against Nico. I mean the guy had lost his sister, gone to Tartarus the depths of hell itself, then he'd been imprisoned in a Jar before being forced to reveal his crush on Percy by the God of love. If anyone deserved a happy ending, it was him.
'Nice one man' Percy said as he came over. 'Told you Annabeth's plan would work.'
Jason highfived Percy 'Yeah, you were right.' He admitted shrugging.

At that moment Nico emerged from the woods. His hands were bandaged and his expression was unreadable.
Thank the gods thought Jason to himself as he and Piper strode over to him.
'Nico!' Shouted Piper grinning.
She looked so beautiful when she smiled, it made him want to smile right back at her, she was infectious.
'Are you okay?' She asked reaching for his hands. Uncomfortably he moved them away.
'Yeah, yeah. I'm fine' he said brushing off her concern.
'What happened?' Asked Jason suspiciously.
Nico rubbed his hands 'Nothing, I tripped.'
Jason raised his eyebrows skeptically. 'If you're sure.'
Nico didn't sound like he was telling the entire story but he decided not to press any further.
'Where's Will?' He asked trying to change the subject. Nico rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, Jason wasn't sure if he was going to swing it at him. He moistened his lips trying not to blush. 'I dont know, why would I... Anyway, I should be getting back.' And with that he walked off.
'He seemed in a bit of a rush' Piper remarked as she fiddled with the plait in her hair.
'Yeah, something was up. Do you think he had an argument with Will?'
Piper shook her head 'No, he didn't seem that upset.. more embarrassed?'
Piper was really good at reading people's emotions, she could always tell what he was thinking which mad it impossible for him to keep anything from her.
'So I was thinking,' began Piper 'for the school year we could go to Los Angeles? I mean Annabeth and Percy are spending their senior year in New York so why not?'
Jason widened his eyes in surprise, he hadn't really thought about school much. Mainly he was focusing on not getting killed.
Jason leant forwards and kissed piper on the lips.
'What was that for?' She asked pleasantly surprised.
'For us, going to Los Angeles.'
She smiled and enveloped him in another kiss.
'Get a room!' Shouted one of the Hermes campers, a few campers snickered.
Piper blushed but Jason just put his arm around her and led her towards the strawberry fields.
They sat together on a small hill overlooking the fields. The sun was beginning to set and red streaks hung in the sky creating mesmerizing patterns.
'It seems strange without him.' Thought Jason aloud referring to Leo.
'Yeah... If he were here he'd probably make some silly joke.'
'If he was here I'd punch him.'
Piper smiled softly, her face glowing in the light of the setting sun. 'Team Leo' she said half heartedly.
'Team Leo' Jason agreed.
They sat together in each others arms 'but seriously, I swear if he's still alive I'm gonna kill him.'
Piper laughed 'He'd better be.'

A few minutes before curfew Jason and Piper headed back to their cabins. He walked Piper back to the Aphrodite cabin earning him cluster of giggling girls staring through the windows to see if they'd kiss. 'Goodnight Pipes.' He said pecking her on the lips.
'Night' she said before heading into her cabin.

Jason sat in his bed looking at pictures of him, Piper and Leo from before the argo set sail. He laughed as he found a picture of Leo after the food fight that he'd caused. His crazy grin was still there even though he looked like the strangest human buffet ever.
'As soon as we've finished this whole quest thing I'm gonna make a taco machine for Camp.' Said Leo as he twisted small wires together.
Piper put down her glass 'Why?'
'Because there's never any tacos.'
Jason sighed 'You could always just make yourself a taco?'
'Yeah but it's not the same, because then I have to you know, get up and find all the stuff and then make them.'
'Your logic makes no sense.' Said Piper as she picked at her food.
'Well don't come asking for tacos from me'
Piper rolled her eyes laughing 'You're ridiculous.'
'That's me.' He said fiddling with scraps of metal.
Suddenly the small device he'd been making exploded throwing bits of Leo's lunch all over Jason.
'-aha-ha..' Laughed Leo awkwardly 'oops.' He rubbed his neck nervously.
Jason raised his eyebrows 'Oh it's on.' He said picking up his hot dog and aiming it at Leo. 'Hey how about we talk about-' he was cut off as he ducked avoiding being slapped in the face by flying hot dog.

Sherman Yang however was not so lucky.
The projectile flew over to the Ares table and hit him square in the face completely covering him in mustard.
'LEO?' Shouted Jason in mock horror thinking fast.
Sherman Yang stood up holding his food 'VALDEZ!' He cried
'Sherman, buddy.. I would never-'
Leo didn't get the chance to finish, the son of Ares threw his lunch at Leo. It came towards him at top speed.
After that it was all out war. Tables were tipped to provide protection from the volley of food. 'Really Jason?' Asked Leo, his hair plastered with mashed potatoes and bits of meat.
'As a vegetarian, I think you look horrific. And as a person that looks gross.' Said Piper to Leo gesturing at the piece of bacon stuck to his forehead.
'Thanks beauty queen.' He said sarcastically as more food rained down in top of them.

When finally the fight ended the three of them were completely covered in food. Leo tried to scrape bits of cabbage out of his hair but it was plastered in.
It was at that moment that Will walked past. He was wearing a green surgeon's shirt and flip flops 'Uh did I miss something..?'
Leo shrugged 'Jason started another War.'
He threw a small mechanical device at Will who caught it neatly. It was a celestial bronze camera. 'Would you mind?' He asked Will who obliged and took a picture of the three of them.
Jason smiled longingly at the photo. 'You'd better come back' he said to the picture.

The next morning Jason woke and realized he'd had no nightmares. This was unusual for demigods but he was thankful of it.
He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses, 'di immortales!' He exclaimed when he realised what time it was. Oh Gods He thought as he hurriedly got changed.
He was supposed to be teaching sword fighting class, he and Percy alternated but he'd completely forgotten.
Just as he was about to leave, he realised he almost forgot his sword. That would've been embarrassing, turning up to sword fighting class with out a sword.
He didn't have time to run so instead he focused on the air around him, he pushed off the ground controlling the air pressure around him to keep him aloft.
As he dropped in on the class quite literally they all stared at him.
'Uh, hi. Sorry I'm late.'

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