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Will got back to his cabin, he felt a lot worse than he'd admitted earlier. The buzz of adrenaline had worn off now and the pain was coming back. Coldness seeped through his bones making him shiver, stupid hypothermia.
Shaking he went into the bathroom and grabbed some pills from the medicine cupboard. 'Ugh' he groaned, his skin was pale and cold, his eyes normally bright blue eyes were now dull and cloudy. Kayla and Austin were still celebrating capture the flag so he was alone.
He sat down on his bed with his bow in his hand. The string was snapped thanks to Nico so he'd have to restring it. He began fixing it with trembling hands, his hands going numb from cold.
In the end he gave up, his hands were shaking too much and his head ached.
He fell asleep but found himself in a nightmare.
He was in the forest by the creek, the water was frozen over and the thick mist hung in the air. Trees surrounded him looming over and blocking out the sunlight, he tried to move but his arms were chained behind him. The chain was attached to a tree taller than the rest, his body was weak and he was unarmed.
'Help' he muttered trying to shout. 'Please someone' he spoke barely above a whisper.
He heard footsteps, it sounded like someone was running towards him. 'Hello?' He called, his voice sounded like glass, fragile and weak. Suddenly Nico ran through the trees, his eyes were wide with fright and he had a large cut along his chest. He held his stygian iron sword in his hand 'Where is he?!' He shouted glancing around nervously. Will tried to speak but no words came from his mouth, Nico looked directly at Will but his expression remained unchanged 'show yourself!' Shouted Nico.
Will's vision became blurry, his head ached 'Nico' he managed to whisper.

Will was woken by the sun shining in through the windows. Shivering he tried to put his dream aside and focus on the day ahead of him.
He felt better than yesterday but still felt groggy and cold.
He'd hoped to find Nico and talk to him but he wasn't at the dining pavilion. He decided to go and check the Hades cabin.

Will gently knocked on the door to the hades cabin, he waited patiently but no one came to the door. He knocked again, this time slightly louder.
The door moved and Will realised it wasn't closed.
He pushed open the door and poked his head inside, 'Hello? Nico? Anyone home?'
There was no reply.
Cautiously, Will walked in.

The hades cabin was dark and cold, large curtains draped over the windows blocking out any sunlight, coffin like beds were placed around the room giving the room a whole vampiric vibe. On the far side of the room, Nico di Angelo lay curled up on his bed.
'Where is he?' He muttered desperately, his face contorted in pain and tears began running down his pale skin. 'Will?' He called out quietly.
Will rushed over to him and grabbed his body. 'Nico, wake up.'
Nico sat up suddenly his eyes wide with panic.
'Agh' Will Solace fell back rubbing his head 'You've gotta stop head butting me, I'm going to get concussion.'
Nico shook off his confusion and glared at Will.
'Solace! What-are-you-doing?! Why are you in my cabin?!' Will was sure if Nico had his sword on him he would've drawn it, he smiled awkwardly 'Well, I came to check on you and the door was open.'
'So you just decided to walk in?'
'Pretty much yeah.'
Nico rolled his eyes 'You're impossible.'
'And you're cute.'
Nico flushed bright red 'You're, you're.. Get out!' He threw his pillow at Will but he dodged it and ran for the door 'I'll wait for you outside.' He called behind him.

About five minutes later, Nico di Angelo emerged from the Hades cabin. He wore a black leather bomber jacket, black shirt and jeans. His sword was attached to his belt and his dark hair hung down across his face. 'What?' He asked. Will realised he was staring and promptly stopped.
'I wanted to show you something.' He said.
'What is it?'
'I'll show you.'
'But what is it?'
'I can't explain, just trust me.'
He grabbed Nico's hand and dragged him along. The son of Hades made no attempt to let go of Will's hand making him smile to himself.
Will led Nico through the woods, they were supposed to be doing camp activities now but Will needed an excuse to talk to Nico. After a while they finally reached the creek.
'Is this what you wanted to show me?' Asked Nico peering into the water.
'Yeah' replied Will sitting down on the ground. Nico stayed stood up.
'You gonna sit?'
'This is it?'
'What's so exciting about this?' He asked gesturing around him.
Will sighed 'It's important, just sit and let me explain.'
Will groaned 'Just sit down death boy'.
Reluctantly Nico sat. 'Don't call me death boy' he muttered.
They sat in silence.
'So what did you want to talk about?' Asked Nico.
Nervously Will looked Nico in the eyes. 'Before I woke you up, you were dreaming about this place weren't you. You were running from something trying to find me.'
Nico stared Will down 'How did you-?'
'I had the same dream and also you talk in your sleep.'
There was an uncomfortable silence.
'What do you think it means?' Asked Will.
Nico gazed at the creek, he watched the water flow around the rocks until it got further and further away. 'Nothing good.'

'You know' Will began 'Maybe it was nothing?'
Nico nodded but didn't seem at all convinced.
'Maybe we should just enjoy now?' Suggested Will as he took Nico's hand in his.
The son of Hades didn't pull away.
'Do you miss her?' Asked Will impulsively 'Do you miss Bianca?'
Nico didn't speak, normally he would just shut down the conversation right there and then, but he surprised himself.
'Yes... more than you could ever imagine.'
'You know I'm always here if you want to talk, sometimes it helps to share instead of bottling it all up.'
Nico nodded, his eyes were red. 'Thanks'
Will smiled 'I could always make some haikus to cheer you up?' Will joked trying to lighten the mood a little.
Nico laughed 'I think that might just make it worse.' He smiled back at Will.
'You're blushing' said Will grinning.
Nico held his hands to his cheeks 'No I'm not' he said making himself blush even more.
Will gently moved his hands from his face and leaned towards him. His eyes closed as their lips touched, fireworks went off inside Will's chest and he moved in sync with Nico. It was gentle, his lips felt soft as the caressed his own.
Finally they pulled away for air. Nico looked flushed and dangerously close to happy, Will felt as if he was shining with Joy. The two of them curled up next to the creek talking in each others body heat. They felt blissfully relaxed as if all that mattered was this moment.

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