Coming out

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Yessie was in her room thinking. It was Sunday the circus day off for the performers to relax but yessie was anything but relaxed she was stressed out all day thinking. It only happened a few months ago people kept calling her Mary's "son" or "him" or "he" she didn't know why but it felt so wrong being called male pronounces but when hocus came to check up on her and called her "yessie" it felt a lot better. She looked at the door and thought of her best friend hocus what would he think? What if he didn't accept her choice? She sighed. "He will find out I can never keep secrets from hocus especially something as big as this" she thought to herself. No. Today no more hiding she was going to tell him. She got up unlocked her door and walked to the magicians room. He was reading at his desk but looked at her when she came in "oh hello yessie" she smiled "hi" she sat down on his bed. "Ok what's the matter? Indevs not been troubling you now has he...?" Anger flashed on his face "no no no! He's not! He's actually been leaving me alone" she replied with a sigh when he calmed down "that's good I'm not letting him lay a finger on you after the chair". Yessie looked at the ground "h-hocus I have to tell you something" he didn't shift his gaze from his book but nodded indicating that he was listening. "I-I don't like being called yes man anymore hocus" hocus tilts his head "why? Is someone teasing you for I-" he was interrupted by yessie "I don't like being called man" he didn't shift his gaze but seemed confused "I don't understand can you explain more?" "I don't like being called him or he or Mary's son w-what I'm saying is I want to wear a dress and be called a she" yessie was shaking unsure of how her friend would react. Hocus dropped his book hearing this and looked at yessie his expression unmoving and walked over to her "he's mad isn't he? He doesn't like it does he? This was a mistake" she thought. Hocus tightly hugged her "I see well can I ask then?" Yessie tilted her head "why are you still wearing that suit then? Go wear what you want and be happy in what ever body you want I'll love you no matter who you are yessie". Yessie smiles wider than she ever had and started crying and was hugging hocus tightly but not to harm her "friend". Hocus was smiling (somehow without an mouth) and rubbing yessies back in a soothing way to ease her tension from the chat. "I'm going to get changed ok hocus I'll see you later" she quickly kissed hocus on the cheek. He went red quickly and faster than he could blink yessie was long gone.

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