Electric mind part 1

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Wow four stories written in one night whew! Anyways I'm writing more than I should because I won't be uploading as much due to going back to school and electric mind will have two parts

WARNING: the two chapters coming up will contain torture graphic content upsetting content and spoilers on electric mind if you've not seen "guilty rouge" you should watch it before reading this fan fiction Anyways enjoy

It was a late night yessie was staying up lying on his bed writing in a small book on the acts that will be coming up on tomorrow's show. "Ah! And then the cutlass act will start and last 20 minutes and then the best act of all...hocus's" yessie blushed hard and had not yet confessed to hocus. He heard a bang at the door. "? I wonder who that could be" hocus was studying his magic in the other room and asked not to be disturbed so it couldn't be him. "Hello?" Yessie opened the door and saw Taizo and a manis unit that had blackened eyes and a ripped cloak around her. "Huh? What are you doing here so late you guys?" Taizo looked down but manis unit was just grinning. "Forgive us yessie" Taizo grabbed yessie covering his mouth quickly and carrying him to indevs lair. "!!!? Taizo what's going o-" yessie looked at indev indev was massive compared to him. "Who are you...?" Yessie said tilting his head. "I'm indev and I've learned about your "activities". Yessies eyes widened. How did he know!!!? He only told hocus!!. "!! I swear I made a mistake I didn't know what I was doing was wrong I promise I'll never do it again". Yessie pleaded and indeed he had changed he didn't even talk to humans that much anymore but indev wasn't buying it. "ABR001 take him to the chair" a hooded character wearing dark blue grabbed yessie and dragged him to a chair. "!!? I..is that an electric chair!!!!?" Yessies eyes widen the when the hooded bot put him on the chair and strapped him down realising what was going to happen. "P..please don't do this!! I've changed!! I won't hurt anyone again!!" . The hooded figure walked back over to indevs side and indev Taizo and the bit where all behind a glass panel watching yessie and indev had a control panel. "Any last words?" Indev asked angrily at yessie. Yessie looked down and sobbed "p...please tell hocus I love him..." Yessie had his eyes closed and was crying. He was convinced he was going to die. indev turned the power up half way shocking yessie. Yessies eyes turned Light blue and yessie screamed* the hooded figure and Taizo looked away but then the hooded figure realised something. "Wait...indev....shouldn't It have finished by n-!!!!!!!!!!" Indev had turned the power all the way up before the bot could finish his sentence. "Stop it indev that's way too much!!!!! Your going to kill him!!!!. Indev just grinned and watched yessie and the light shocking turned into something a prisoner on death row would receive. Wires came out of yessies legs and his glasses cracked and his body turned pitch black due to the burns. The electric chair finally blew a fuse and indev sighed. "Fuck I wanted to see how much he could take Taizo ABR001 take him to a cell so I can test further stuff" the hooded figure nodded softly and he saw Taizo was about to cry. "Hey hey...its ok....ill get him...." He picked up ye and took him to a cell and placed him on a bed. "I'm so sorry you had to get the chair.....you didn't do anything wrong...its my fault" the bot saw a small card in yessies pocket. It read my number - and a phone number. The bot called it

Hocus P.O.V
"Where are you yessie...?" Hocus spoke to himself. Yessie was late for practice. Yessie was never late. In fact some how even if hocus used magic yessie was always there before him. Hocus heard his phone ringing "hello?" Hocus heard a voice he never heard before in his life "hey....please come to indevs lab....I found your lover...I...I'm so sorry.." The Voice whimpered a bit. Hocus quickly teleported to yessie with his magic and his eyes widened. Yessie was burned all over and his glasses where cracked. His legs where busted and needed fixed. "YESSIE!!!!?" Hocus quickly picked up yessie hugging him. "Ho....cus...." Hocus's eyes widened. Yessie was alive!!! Thank the stars!! "Yessie who done this!!!!!!?" "In....Dev...." Hocus's eyes turned yellow and teleported back into his room with yessie and tucked yessie in bed and fixed his legs "stay here...I have to pay someone a visit. "Hocus.......no...it's dangerous...." "I have to yessie....I love you" hocus kissed yessie on the lips and rubbed his head. "I'll be back my love." Hocus got up and teleported to indevs lab.

End of part one

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