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It was another peaceful day in the dreamscape. Too peaceful somethings off.

Yessies P.O.V

Me and my owl Hocus where sent to kick some dreamscapers ass! I was walking around and hocus was sitting on my shoulder being the adorable bird he is. "Hey hocus come here you cinnamon roll!! ^^" I kissed hocus on the beak causing him to hoot calmly.

We finally arrived at the kids room. The kid we where sent to terrorise. I walked to the bed and let off my biggest grin. I am cherophobia after all (the phobia of happiness) and hocus my trusty side kick! rhabdophobia (the fear of magic).

"W..wha...? W...who are you two...?" The kid had finally came to. "Us? Why I'm cherophobia and this is rhabdophobia, now kid you do know you've always got to keep that fake smile or you know what would happen bye bye friends!!" I just smiled innocently.

Tears started running down the kids face and I knew we where getting to him.

Hocus's P.O.V

I know it's our job to scare kids and remind them of there fears but I don't want to do this anymore. "Kid....ignore her you don't have to fake smile anymore everyone loves you" "h...hocus  what are you doing!? We will get in trouble!!"

But just then I heard that the purple dreamscaper came. "Surrender phobias!!" I saw panic cross yessies face.  "Yessie run!!!" Yessie ran fast and Vince was about to blast me with his sound cannon but.

Yessies P.O.V

I saw my love hocus about to be hit so I ran in front of him taking the full blast. I flew hard into a tree and there was a huge blast wound on my chest. "!!! YESSIE!!" Hocus flew over to me.

I was getting weak. "H....hocus much..." "I-i love you too yessie I always have" I felt hocus's tears run down my face and I finally turned to dust (like how when Vince pulled away his symbol he started cracking and then turned to dust).

Hocus's P.O.V - 4 months later

When a phobia dies. They will be reborn as a dreamscaper. I've been reformed and I'm waiting for her. I miss her. Her symbol is all she left. But suddenly it started glowing lime green.

She's coming back to me. When she reformed she had a spotty red and yellow skirt. Her over alls still. And beautiful red eyes. I cried and hugged yessie tight "I-i missed you so much!!!!!!" She smiled and hugged me back "I love you so much darling" "I-I love you too yessie"

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