After show hours

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Warning: this chapter contains upsetting themes and the return of Norman (btw Norman isn't really a dick in the cannon story of pilot but in my AU he snapped after Daisy left him)

Yessies P.O.V

I had just finished my best act yet! Hocus unfortunately wasn't in it because he needed a small break from using his magic to get it recharged.

I went to walk back into my room but then I felt someone grab my arm tightly and pull me behind the curtains. When I saw who it was I wanted to cry. It was Norman and he was grinning widely at me.

"Oh hello yessie!" "N-Norman!? W-what are you doing here! I thought hocus kicked you o-" I was stopped by Norman licking my cheek. I struggled
In his grip trying to get free but Norman was stronger than me.

"You know yessie I never did got to finish with you ~" he smirked and licked my neck and rubbed between my legs. I felt tears run down my face as Norman picked me up and pulled down his own pants. I felt Norman slide into me and I cried out "STOP IT!!!!!".

Norman laughed and went fast and I was crying hard. I can't. It felt like I was cheating on my love hocus. I kept trying to push Norman away, to stop him but every time I did he would just go deeper.

Hocus P.O.V

I had finished recharging. I got up and smiled. Man I can't wait to see yessie again. I smiled thinking of seeing yessie smiling and us just cuddling together and being happy. I walked into his room to see him but he wasn't there. Odd I thought he would be recharging.

I heard yessies scream from the stage set. I immediately panicked thinking of what could have happened to my dear yessie. I ran to the stage and I wanted to cry when I saw it.

"Oh hello hocus ~" Norman was holding up yessie and has painfully fucking him. Yessie quickly stared at me and he was crying hard. Norman dropped yessie causing him to hit the ground and and run over to me and hug me tightly.

"I can't see why you can't just leave him the fuck alone!!!!!!" I yelled at him and Norman just laughed "I'll be back yessie ~ for you ~" he purred at yessie and ran off. Yessie sobbed hard and hugged onto me as tight as he could.

"Yessie....I'm so sorry...." He just hugged into me and cried but calmed down the more I hugged and cuddles him. It took five hours to finally calm him down and then he fell asleep cuddled into my belly.

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