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It was an normal day at the circus. Valentine's in fact. Yessie wanted to confess his feelings to his best friend hocus today. The robot who helped him though thick in thin but someone had other plans for yessie. Cutlass looked at the ringmaster and blushed hard. "He's so cute....I've got to confess!!" Yessie walked out of his room and cutlass jumped him and hugged him. "Hey yessie!!" She smiled wide "neh!! Cutlass I told you I only like you as Friend!!" "I'm not taking no for an answer!". Yessie sighed and cutlass hugged him tighter and hocus saw this. He knew yessie didn't have any feelings for cutlass but it was funny as hell seeing her try. "Ah so yessie is this your new girlfriend?" "Hocus!!!" "When's the wedding?" He enjoyed yessie getting all flustered. "HOCUS!!!!!!" "Ok ok cutlass let go of him now he's had enough loving" "ok". She letted go of yessie and walked off. Yessie crossed his arms and tapped his foot at hocus. "Aww did I make you mad" "I'm going to kill you hocus". Hocus chuckled and rubbed yessies head causing the younger bot to blush. " hocus...maybe you want to hand out tonight?" He smiled wide hoping hocus didn't think it was weird. "Um sure tonight thou? I mean it will just be filled with couples smooching all night"  "I don't mind at all!". Yessie smiled wide and ran to his room. He fixed his bow tie up and then made it into a normal tie and for once finally put pants on.

4 hours later
It was night and yessie was classied up and was at a firework event with hocus. "Um yessie you do realise I could just use my magic and makes these at home right?" "Ah! Yes but I wanted you to take a break you never do and it worries me!" "Ah....yes sorry I'll have to take more in the future". Yessie smiled wide and tried to contain his excitement  that he was on a date with his crush. Yessie cuddled into hocus's arm and the Wizards face went pure red. Hocus realised that this wasn't them hanging out as friends but a date. Hocus smiled and rubbed yessies head making him purr softly and cutely. "Hey yessie can you please come here?" "? But we already are pre-!" Yessie was cut off by the older bots lips meeting his (I know hocus doesn't have a mouth some how this works I guess). Yessie went pure red and was close to fainting. "Um...yessie are you ok" "hocus....kissed me..!!!!!!!" Yessie jumped up and ran around smiling wide and blushing hard. Hocus chuckled and calmed down yessie holding the boy in his arms. Yessie purred and looked up at the bot being happier that he ever has. He cuddled into the older bot. "I love you so much hocus....I've always've always been there for helped
Me when my mom died and you've always stayed with me....I love you...." Hocus smiled wide and kissed him on the lips again. "I love you too yessie". Yessie smiled wide and cuddled into his arms and fell asleep into the older bots arms

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