Normans visit

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WARNING: this chapter contains upsetting themes that might upset some readers if you are upset with the theme of rape or anything like that this fan fiction isn't for you Anyways into the story

Yessie P.O.V
Yessie was sitting in his room with Norman. Norman had been staying at the circus ever since daisy left him 2 weeks ago. He was very depressed but yessie would try to comfort him any second he got. Hocus disliked yessie however because of his past actions of killing innocent humans who wanted to join the circus. "Norman how are you feeling?" Yessie said in his trademark cheerful tune and wide smile. "Ok I guess thanks for letting me stay with you yessie" he rubbed the younger boys backside. Yessie shivered a bit "h-hey please don't do that how about a hug instead friend? Pal? Chumb?" Yessie said nervously. Yessie was making sure to put a lot of meaning on saying they where just friends. "I know you like me yessie more than an friend" yessie shook his head "your my best friend Norman I like you just as my friend sorry" yessie looked away "but I'll happily be your best friend!" Yessie smiles wide at Norman. Yessie already has his heart set on a certain magic bot. Norman growled and got pissed at yessie for rejecting him "liar I know you've always loved me but then you fell for that stupid wizard!!!" Norman grabbed yessie slamming him to the bed. "!? Norman what are you doing?" Norman kissed yessies neck biting it "!! Norman please let go that hurts!! Think about what your doing! This isn't right!" "Shut it yessie" yessie looked down and whimpered a bit. Norman undone yessies trousers and classical performer jacket. Only hocus was allowed to see his body like this yessie though. "No!! No!! I-i don't want to Norman! Stop it!" Norman quickly grabbed yessies ass palming it causing yessie to whine louder. He slapped the robots ass over and over again seeming to not take any interests on the younger bot loving him anymore. Yessie felt Norman slap his ass hard with his belt causing yessie to close his eyes tight as oil ran down his eyes.

Hocus P.O.V
Hocus was putting posters up advertising the circus. The posters had yessies cheerful face on it smiling his trademark smile saying "run away and join the circus!" Hocus was finally done and realised "oh I forgot my magic book in yessies room" hocus sighed and hocus didn't hate yessie he just disliked him for what he done to those innocent humans. He acted like he liked yessie thou when around yessie. It was earlier on he was showing him magic and slightly enjoyed when yessie got stars in his eyes and marvelled in his magic. Norman was there too watching the magic but something about him hocus didn't trust he just seemed like he was hiding something from yessie. Hocus sighed and started walking to the circus leaders room. When he was at the door about to open it he heard something. "No....Norman....please...stop I don't like this..." Hocus's started getting curious. What the hell where they doing? He thought to himself. "Hey yessie what's going o-" he had walked into yessies room and what he saw horrified him. Norman was on top of yessie holding him down while his legs spread yessies legs wide and Norman was trying to get his own boxers off. Yessie was tightly closing his eyes while oil ran down his face. Hocus knew after daisy left Normans mind had went into a dark place and started getting a crush on yessie but he wouldn't have gone this far. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING NORMAN!!!!!!?" Light had taken over. Yessie quickly opened his eyes and looked at hocus. He looked desperate for hocus to help him. Norman's gaze shot at hocus and stopped what he was doing "!!! H-hocus!! M-me a-and yessie where just playing a game!! T-this isn't what it looks like!!" Hocus punches Norman hard in the face and in a primal Instinct held the crying yessie in his arms and growled loudly at Norman. "LEAVE!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!" hocus had never been so mad in his life. His eyes where bright yellow showing that light was in control. Norman quickly grabbed his own shirt and ran off not bothering to grab his stuff. Hocus looked down at yessie. Yessie was crying hard and hugging hocus tightly. "H-hocus!!!!! N-Norman he was about to..." "I know I know...I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner...if I knew what that bastard was planning..." Hocus growled and his eyes turned back to the dark purple they where normally like. Yessie was shivering badly and crying. Hocus Was crying himself a little too and rubbing yessies head to calm him and hugging him tightly so hopefully no one would ever touch yessie again.

Time skip
It took 2 hours to finally calm yessie down and yessie was still in denial on what just happened. Hocus had made yessie a cup of hot chocolate and put his own cloak on yessie to keep him warm. "How do you feel yessie?" He faintly smiled at yessie comfort him. "B-better" yessie sighed drinking the hot chocolate and hocus cuddled with yessie on the couch. "I've got you yessie I won't let anyone hurt you yessie form now on". Yessie smiles wide at hocus and blushes hard "thank you hocus,your so kind.." Yessie had finished his hot coco and his head rested on hocus's shoulder. It only felt like a few hours ago hocus disliked yessie thinking he was some sort of monster for hurting innocent humans but now hocus had forgiven him and wanted to just protect yessie with his life and then it finally clicked in his head. Hocus blushed hard "d-do I love yessie? More than a friend way?" He thought himself and Hocus smiled realising he did and rubbed yessies head. Hocus fell asleep cuddling yessie keeping him safe.

Thanks for reading and also you may have noticed all my fan fictions will be moving to this one read

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