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Yessie P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since hocus found me stuffing some humans into suits. I don't understand why he's giving me the silent treatment!! I'm helping the humans staying forever! No one has to leave now!

I was organising the circus performance today. Telling my actors what to do and where to go and then I saw hocus walking over to me. My heart skipped a beat.

Hocus's P.O.V

I hate his guts. We where suppose to be partners! Not killers. Now I have the reputation of covering up a killer. Hasn't he learned anything from Mary dying?

"Hello hocus!! How are you?" He smiles at me with that stupid smile. The smile I use to love. The smile that always cheered me up. I hate that smile now. "..." I just stayed silent.

He looked at me with a puzzled look. "Hocus? What's with that face? Did I do something wrong?" I remained silent. "...ok your quite today...anyways! Your number 4 in the act and we will be doing an act together!! ^^"

He hugged my arm but I pushed him off softly. I'm not ready to forgive him for what he's done. He looked upset that I pushed him away but he deserves it after all he's done.

Ten minute time skip! (This timeskip is brought to you by yessies cereal only £10 an box we are not responsible for any death cereal caused)

I was doing my act with yesman. The old trick where yesman throws hoops in the air and I throw a fire ball through them. I was angry at him and I was finding it hard to concertante. The act was going well although. Yesman shot me a smile but it just made my blood (HES A ROBOT IDK EITHER!!) boil.

I saw him stare at another human who was at the back meaning they wanted to join. I knew what he was going to do. I-i messed up. I lost control of my magic. I sent a fire ball flying but not at the hoops.

The fire ball hit the wall of the stage and yesman ducked and the fire ball hit the side of his face. I heard yesman cry out loudly in pain as the right side of his face got burned. "!!! YESSIE!!!" I quickly ran over to him and yessie was holding the side of his face where the ball had it.

All the humans screamed and ran out. I carried yessie off stage and checked his face. He was crying and I had badly burned his face. I had burned my own friend. The one who I loved from the first day. "H..hocus is it bad!!!!?" "N-no it's ok it will heal in a few days-I-I'm so sorry...!!!!"

I tightly hugged yessie to comfort him and rubbed his head. I kissed him on the lips unaware of what I was doing . Yessie went a deep red and kisses back. He smiles wide at me again.

I can't stay mad at yessie forever. My new lover.

Hocus X yesman Where stories live. Discover now