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This is an non cannon AU to my story where hocus and yessie are hoomans ^^ enjoy ^^

Yessies P.O.V
It was a late night I was just ending the circus for the day. I was tired as all hell. It's not as easy as it looks having to walk on two fake legs. I was ready to close the exit when I saw him. There was a man asleep on one of the benches and he was wrapped in a dirty old blanket. Was this man homeless or something? Is he ok? I start to worry about him. I can't just kick him out or leave him. He looks heavy thou. Not that he's fat I mean I'm just a lot smaller than the older male. I manage to pick him up and carry him to a spare room in the circus. Now looking at him he's not dirty he's actually pretty handsome. I shake my head. No I can't just get a crush on someone I just met! That would be crazy! Yet again I am crazy. I tucked him into the bed and fell asleep in my own room.

Time skip to the morning

I streached and yawned and then I remembered my guest! I ran to his room as fast as I could. He's still not up. I rubbed his head softly noticing something I didn't before. The half of his body is black and the other is a pale pink and he has purple and yellow tattoos all over him. He's really handsome and hot. I quickly looked around and was about to kiss him on the lips.

Hocus's P.O.V

I woke up feeling a small warm breeze on my face and then I saw a younger man with silver hair swirly line and green glasses and a suit jacket about to kiss me! I quickly grabbed his throat making the younger male gasp. "!! GAH!!" I didn't hurt him hard I just wanted to stop him from kissing me. I let him out quickly and he rubbed his neck "s-sorry i tripped and almos-" "I'm not dumb" "o...oh sorry". I started feeling bad for hurting. "! Anyways what where you doing lying on the circus stools asleep? Are you lost?" "No my land lord kicked me out because I didn't have enough to pay so I've been kinda looking around for a place to sleep...sorry".

Yessies P.O.V

I felt sorry for the older man. "You can stay with me here at the Circus! You can preform if you want but you don't have to! It's your choice! ^^" the older man just seemed to blink at me and look suprised "really? Is that ok? I will find a way to pay you back". I instantly getting dirty thoughts in my head.

I'm going to hell aren't I?

I tried to get my mind out of the gutter. "No no no no! It's fine! You can live here as long as you want for free!" The wizard smiled at me. "Thank you...I owe you a lot"

Should I make part 2? Sorry if it's shit

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