Electric mind part 2

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Hocus P.O.V

I came back after half an hour and I saw yessie was worried sick about what happened to me. "!! Hocus are you Ok!?" I nodded. I was still furious on what indev done. He sat down and brought yessie close to him cuddling him. "H...hocus....I'm sorry....h...he done that...because of the...robots" "I know yessie but you changed....he didn't" I rubbed his head. He was very badly damaged I was so scared if I touched a wrong place even slightly he would fall apart. "Yessie stay still" he nodded and I started fixing his legs. A lot of the wires in them needed replacing. I managed to fix them in an hour and yessie got up. "Thanks hocus!" He smiled wide. I always loved that cheerful smile of his. "I'm glad your feeling better now" "all thanks to you!" Yessie kissed hocus on the cheek making hocus go red and hocus heard lights voice "we gotta get nasty!!!!" Hocus sighed. "God damn it..." "? Hocus what's wrong?" "Your too cute that's what the problem is". Yessie went pure red. Hocus kissed yessie on the lips making him go redder. "I love you hocus" "I love you too yessie"

Sorry this took so long

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