Movie night (yessie x hocus lemon)

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Warning: this fic contains lemon if you don't like boy X boy yaoi don't read

It was a late night at the circus. No shows for the rest of the night at least. Hocus was staying with yessie in his room. Both bots have been dating for a month now and can't seem to pull themselves away from the other. Yessie had set up a movie and was cuddled into hocus eating a box of cereal. "Yessie don't you ever get sick of eating so much cereal?" Hocus chuckled. "Hocus!! You can never have too much cereal!!" "Are you cereal about that yessie?" "Yes I a-.......was that a pun...?" Yessie groaned as hocus nodded. "Even that was horrible to me love" he put the cereal down. Hocus smiled at yessie and rubbed his cheek. Yessie seemed to purr a little and hocus giggled. "Your like a small cat yessie" hocus heard lights voice "we gotta get nasty!!!!!!!!!!" Hocus sighed. "You know yessie are those teeth as sharp as they look? ~" yessie tilted his head seeing his friends eyes turn yellow. "No they aren't there mainly rubber". Hocus grinned. "Want to play a game? ~" yessie nodded widely and nodded quickly. "Yeah!! How do we play!?" "Crouch down and go between my legs" yessie nodded and was Suprised on what happened next. Hocus got out his prick and it smacked on his lips. "Oh my hocus your big.. ~" yessie smirked and started rubbing hocus's fast in his hands. "ahhh!! ~~ yessie keep doing that! ~~" yessie smirked seeing his lovers enjoyment and started licking his up and down to massage it. "Please yessie suck it.. ~~" "as you wish ~" yessie rammed Hocus  deep in his through and hocus let our a huge moan. Yessie started sucking fast and hard and licking it while it was in his mouth. "Ahh! ~~ yessie I'm gonna cum!! ~" in yessies surprise hocus's pushed yessies head all the way down and filled yessies mouth to the brim. Yessie had no issue swallowing it all. "Hey hocus wanna play some more? ~" yessie went on his hands and knees grinning. Hocus smirked and slapped yessies ass hard making the younger bot moan in pleasure and pain. "You don't have to ask me twice ~" hocus rubbed his shaft on yessies tight hole. He was so incredibly tight. "! ~ hocus please put it in! ~" before yessie could react hocus was halfway in him and yessie let out a huge adorable moan. "Ahh! ~~ yessie!! ~~ I love you so much and your so tight! ~" hocus pounded yessies tight ass fast and hard. Yessie shuttered and made a puddle on the sheets. Hocus soon after rammed his dick all the way in yessie and filled his ass and pulled out. "Ahhh... ~" yessie cuddled into hocus and blushes hard. Hocus got back in control and saw what he done. Hocus blushes as hard as he could and cuddled yessie. "I love you yessie..." "I love you too.." The bots made out and let sleep take them.

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