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Disclaimer- this is my theory of how yessie the harpy in mythology tale met hocus the wizard

No ones P.O.V

It was a dark rainy night on the mountains. No one went up there because that's where harpys lived. The harpy's where peaceful but where known to steal crops and rumoured to steal human children.

It was a calm night. The harpys where asleep in a cave all cuddled into each other for warmth. There was one harpy who was different thou. A small one with white lime and red feathers and bright green and red eyes. He was in the back sleeping.

Yessie's P.O.V

I woke up to a huge crash and lots of terrified screaming. There were some humans who where knocking us out and stuffing us in small boxes alone. I quickly got up trying to fly away but my leg was grabbed tightly and I was slammed into the ground.

"Please don't hurt me!!!!" They pushed me in a small box on a wagon with other harpys. I was alone in my box and shaking. It's cold and raining. I was trying to hit the box to break out.

I pushed into it hard once and it fell off the wagon and fell down a massive pit. I screamed and tightly hugging myself and I got knocked out due to the fall. When I woke up it was still night and my wing was broken. I knew I wouldn't been flying anytime soon.

I looked around and saw I was far away from the mountain. I started walking around trying to find anything. I saw a big tower in the middle of the woods. Maybe I could get help in there I though. I snuck in.

In the tower it seemed to be a big library with a fire place in the middle. There was also a big chair in front of the room and then I noticed it. Someone was asleep in the chair with an owl on his shoulder cuddled into an Phoenix.

I quickly ran to the door and realised quickly It was a trap. I stood on the carpet and fell in a hole* "!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I landed in a net which I was stuck in. "Well well well what do we have here"

I heard an voice behind me. I faced the voice and it was the wizard with the owl on his shoulder looking mad. "!!! U-um I got lost..!! Wait-weren't you asleep?" "Oh I heard you walk in so I used a spell to make a decoy...night fly up I'll deal with this".

The owl nodded and flew away and the wizard looked at me and i noticed his face going a little red "now what's a harpy doing here? I thought you only lived in mountains..." "I-I did!! But some humans took us away! I-I managed to escape thou but I don't know where my family is..."

The wizards expression softened. "O-oh...I see I'm sorry I just assumed you where here to steal some of my magic books or magic charms" "no...I just need a place to stay the night...I broke my wing and I can't fly.."

"I see...I have a room upstairs you could stay in..." "o..oh...thank you so much sir!!" I smiled wide at him making his face go more red. "No problem...my name is hocus.." "I'm yessie! ^^"

I followed him to a room that had a comfy bed in it. I quickly jumped on the bed giggling like a little kid and saw hocus look at me with a perverted grin.

"? Hocus......?" He quickly grabbed my chin and looked me in the eyes and kissed me flat on the lips.

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