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Yessies P.O.V

It was a wonderful day today! I couldn't stop smiling all day! First of all we managed to get a full crowd into the circus and then a human wanted to join us! Now I can show them my ways of making them stay forever! They will be so happy!

I walked to the back room door where I told the human to stay. She was standing there waiting but smiled when she saw me approach her. "Ah hello yesman" I cringed at that name. I know one thing for sure. I HATE being called yesman.

"Eh please call me Yessie!" I smiled wide at her hiding my anger and she smiled back. "Ok! So um...I've been w massive fan of you since I was a little girl...can I join this Circus? It's been my dream since I saw your first show!"

It's so nice to have dedicated fans. Especially over what happened when I came out. Apparently some humans: the really bad ones hocus says. Don't like seeing different people. I remember when a human walked over to me and said "what gender are you?"

I just simply smiled at them and said "neither! I'm a robot sir!" The human just looked at me with an unamused look. "You can't not have a gender your either female or male" (note:- I do not hate non binary I think that's what it's called or any kind of people like this I'm just showing that people like this exist).

But anyways! No use bringing up old wounds. I took my friend to the back room and smiled wide. "Ok human are you ready?" The human looked at me confused as I took them to a suit "? Ready for what?" And before she could say another question I shoved her in the suit.

She let out a scream of pain but I know it just means she's happy to be here! And here forever! I started cleaning the blood off of the suit and after ten minutes for the screaming to stop and I finished cleaning the suit.

"So this is what you've been getting up to......" I jumped and then I saw him. Hocus was at the door and he looked angry. I have no idea why I mean I'm
Helping people!

"How long have you been doing this for...!? Wasn't loosing Mary enough!?" I felt my heart break. "Don't you dare bring her up!! I actually made the mistake of not putting her in a suit before it was too late! If I had! She would be here!"

Hocus's P.O.V

I backed away a bit. I never knew the girl I liked was doing something like this! She seemed so nice and energetic. Oh god...has this what's been happening to the humans that join?.

I could see anger in her eyes when I brought up Mary. "Yessie what your doing is very very wrong!! What would Mary think if she was still here!?" Yessie gritted her teeth and ran over to me grabbing her hammer with full intention on hurting me.

Before I could use my magic to block her attack I was hit full force with the hammer. I let out a huge grunt and fell on the ground. She ran over to me about to hit me again on the head this time. I closed my eyes knowing this would be my end.

But it never came. I opened my eyes and saw the hammer was barely touching my face. Yessie was holding the hammer but her hands where shaking. I saw that she couldn't kill me. I used my magic to pull the hammer from her and got up.

She looked up at me shaking thought I would get my revenge but I simply dropped the hammer on the ground. "Listen Yessie....don't approach or talk to me after what you've that?" I was fuelled by my rage.

She gave a small nods and ran away. I let her run off. I was furious and then I picked up her hammer and snapped it in half. I walked to my room acting calm and collected.

This is chapter 3 of an fan fic that's in order for Yessie and hocus.

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