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It was a dark stormy night at the circus hocus was looking around for yesman to discuss the plans for the next day of the circus. "Hello have you seen yesman cutlass?" She shook her head "if you see him tell him I love him so much". Hocus sighed cutlass has been trying to get yesman for a year now but won't take the hint that yesman doesn't like her like that. He figured he must be in his room making plans already yesman normally did prepare before him. Hocus walked in and saw what seemed to be something shivering in his bed. "Um" yesman quickly popped his head out from the sheets and stared at hocus "o-oh h-hey hocus!" He smiled wide but hocus was no fool he could tell By a mile away yesman was upset by something. "Ok yessie what's wrong?" "Oh nothing hocus! I'm fine!" Yesman let out a light blush he has been hiding his crush on his best friend for a month now. "Yessie I can tell when somethings wrong your terrified of something" yesmans smile fades quickly "I-I don't like lightning" he stuttered out "why?" Asked hocus confused. Yesman was a grown up even though he didn't act his age sometimes surely he couldn't be scared of lightning. "It reminds me of the bad times" hocus's heart sank. It was 2 weeks ago he had found his "friend" on the brink of death due to indev "helping" him. If it wasn't for yesman that day he would have easily killed indev. "There there it's ok he can't hurt you anymore I'll make sure of it" hocus tightly inbraced yesman making him blush like crazy. "Can you stay with me tonight?" Even if one bit of hocus wanted to refuse he couldn't because of yes mans cute puppy dog eyes yet even so he wouldn't leave his lover. "Of course" he brought yesman close to him tucking him in his cloak keeping him warm. Though out the night every time an bang came from the storm yesman would shutter but then look up at hocus and smile. Yesman felt hocus slowly get closer and closer to his face. "H-hoc-" "shhhhhh" hocus softly planted a kiss on yesmans lips making the younger bot go redder than a tomato and kiss back his magic lover. Yesman finally relaxed from the kiss and kissed his new lover back and hugging him. They broke the kiss after what seemed forever and yesman cuddled into his lover on his bed. Hocus took off his cloak and wrapped it around the both of them to keep them warm "I love you hocus I always have" hocus smiles snd blushed "I love you too yessie" hocus rubbed yesmans head softly calming him from the storm which worked because when the bangs went off yessie didn't make a sound. The two lovers finally cuddled into each other letting themselves drift off asleep

(Thanks for reading I'll make more of the yesman X hocus fan fictions because
1. I love the ship
2. There's not many fan fictions of hocus and yesman being a couple)

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