Humans part 2

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Thanks for all the support in part 1!! Thank you all so much!!

It's been three months now since the humans met that day. They have been getting closer and closer and yessies crush on the magician has only gotten bigger but he's tried to hide it ever since the day they met.

Hocus P.O.V

I've gotten the idea to prank yessie. He loves pranks so he shouldn't be mad at all. I set a small rope at the door to trip him up. "Hey yessie I need your help with something!"

Yessies P.O.V

I heard my lover call me! My heart skipped a beat and I ran to find him. I saw his room in sight and ran in but I tripped on something and both of my bionic legs came off and I face planted hard on the ground. "!!!! Shiiiiiiiitttt!!!!!!!"

Hocus P.O.V

Oh my god my prank caused yessies legs to be ripped off!!!!!!!! Oh wait there fake thank god. But then I saw yessie was hurt so I helped him up by carrying him. "Are you ok...!!?" But just then yessie kissed me on the lips. I went as red as a tomato and dropped yessie. "Worth it...!!" "....silly goose" I kissed him on the lips too and helped his biconical legs back on and he got up and hugged me tight. "Sooooo?" "So what?" "Are we lovers yet...?" He was smiling at me that wide smile he always has. "Heh yes we are" "yay!!!!" He jumped on me making me fall to the ground and tightly hugged me. I felt so happy when I was with him. I always have.

Sorry for this being short I've been really really busy!

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