Libra x Leo

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Libra is the female and Leo i..s the male.

Also if I do this ♑♊♐♉♏♈♎♓♍♒♌♋♋♌♍♒♎♓♐♉♈

Thats the others person point of view mm? Ok


" Hey Leooooooooooo" said intoxicated Aries

Leo was at Gemini Party of the Year.

And so far he and Libra where the only ones not drunk. "Heyyy Leoo were going to play truth or dareeeee youuuu knoowwwwwww...." said Picses as she pointed everyone in a circle.

Leo went because of Libra. The most beautiful and nice Libra.

So Leo sat down and it began.


Libra saw Leo walking by the circle of intoxicated signs. Libra played because Libra knew that some drunk sign would make her and Leo kiss.

"Ummmm Piccssseeeessss... Truth or dareeeee?" said drunk Virgo.

" Darreeeeee!" said Picses.

"Okkkkk mm... I dare you to French kisses your crush... Anddddd dateeee himmmm!" said Virgo

Picses went by Scorpio,  "Heyyy will you dateeee mere babbbbeeee?"

" Yea babe!" said Scorpio. He must not be drunk thought Libra.

WAIT! Scorpio is the only one to know of my crush on Leo! Nononononono!

I look at Scorpio who is getting kissed by a drunk Picses.

" Heyyy Heyyy babeeeee"  said Picses " Truth orrrr dareeeee"


"Is it the truth you wanna fuck me?" said Picses

"Lets go!" Scorpio said as he got up and took Picses.

"Wait! Libra truth or dare!" he said.

" Dare?" I say..

" Get'em! You know what I wanna say!"

"Ughhhh... Ok... Le- "


"Ughhhh... Ok.. Leo.. Come over here please" said Libra

I struggled to get over there but I did.

" Hello Libra!"

Before he could notice what was going to happen Libra pulled him into a kiss. ( cant write kiss scenes *said with tired body and coffee)

"Lets go spy on some Scorpio" Libra said. All the drunks jumped up and came along..

You like? Because I cant write.  Remember PM me request the right way please if you want them done. Byeeeee MooseToast ♓

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