Taurus x Leo part 2

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Taurus POV

Ok, but what if he likes me? Loves me for that matter of fact?! I wait here on my blanket. Snap.Crack.
I here the twigs snapping by. Here comes Leo. In the basket of food I have is his favorite food thanks Gemini I silently thank Gemini for giving me too much info.

He comes and looks at me. With his mouth his wonderful smile is thrown away onto a big °O°! What happened? Do i loo good? Am I good enough?

Leos POV

When I seen Taurus I instantly think Wow! She's so beautiful!
Then realize it Taurus. I loved her personality. "This is lovely! Wanna date?" I silently say. As soon as I say it I love it. I can't believe it when she says it so beautifully "Yes" it was soft and full of belief.  I can't wait till the Marriage.

This is optional but I seen this heartbroken quote... Yes chill im ok! It was cause of rejection! It was


Hidden in those words are


I know this is a love story! But I felt like sharing that quote because like... Yea... I can!

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