When Tired

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Aries: Shall eat a bitch to shut them up!

Taurus: Shall eat a burrito to shut themselves up

Gemini: Laughing to hard\ Sugar rush and fainted

Cancer: Snuggled up in a nice place with in there cozy bed.

Leo: said he needed his Beauty Sleep and he blacked out

Virgo: got drooled on.. Then fell asleep.

Libra: Sleeping before 7 pm

Scorpio: Outside the window.. With a hawk

Saggittauris: finds a hawk farm when sleep walking and gave to its owner

Capricorn: SLEEPING IN MONEY or a box

Aquarius: Stalking.

Pisces: Heard Leo say he needed his beauty sleep. Pisces was annoyed and hit him in the head!

I thought this was funny! Its 10:49pm at my place and Im tired so BAM DONT GUESS WHO THE FUCK I AM!

What did I just say life? Dear god help

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