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"Your the Sasha!" They all say to you. *AOT* "Yea? Why did you take all the potatoes?" Says a Cancer nearby crying almost.

"I was feeling like a potatoe thats why I took them and ate them!" Taurus said feeling like a hero!

"Well you could have shared one for me!" says a angry, yet Beautiful Libra.

"Or with any of my friends! We were all planning to buy school lunch since it was Baked Potato!" Says Libra, pointing to his friend Pisces, and Aquarius. 

"Yea! Now I have to go to the mall! And wait! Just to get some Mcnugects and Fries! Whhuyyyyyyy worrllld whyyyy?" says a overly dramatic Pisces as she *faints* and Aqua catches her.

"Hey, we need food for a over starved Pisces!" say Aquarius

"Next time, you think you can steal the food is the last time you breathe! UNDERSTOOD?!" says Libra

"G-got it?" Says a day dreaming Taurus


"Hey Taurus! Whatcha eating?"

"Some fried chicken! Want some?"

"Of course!!! I love it when you share!"

-_-_-_-End of Daydream-_-_-_-_-

In Taurus's head he was like WTF! Why would he share fried chicken? Well, it was Libra! His huge-ish crush.

Libra POV

I was mad! I liked him!? And than he went to eat all the potatoes! We got to the mall and in line for McDonald's because that was Pisces favorite. We got her the food and she was fine again.

Well, not exactly. She went into a food coma after that. We got back to school to yell at Taurus some more. But he wasn't there. I knew his next class since I was in it of course!

Just ...

To ...



The class was Human Biology. Hey, my least favorite class on the world!

I dont know why he likes that class so much. I think he might have been influenced by Scorpio because all you see is boobs and vaginas!

Yea, that doesn't even sound like Taurus would do it for that. I must ask him! Why does this cat get too curious?

Taurus POV

I went to my next class. Human Biology. I went there because I wanted to learn how your tongue works. I always wondered why Libra picked this class.

I knew he was gay and all. But it never really shown any dicks.... Meh.

We sat down. I was 2 seats in front of Libra. I wondered what Libra did behind me..

Libra POV

I wondered if he thought of me. All I do is make sure the kid in front of me keeps his head down. I stare at his back. His neck. His hair. His beauty.

Unlike me. Im terrible and ugly.

And I think that only one person can change that. A beautiful Taurus.

I have recess next. Ima ask him out because why not.. I now why! Because I like being embarrassed!

<° Timeskip °>

I walk up to the beautiful boy I call my soulmate, and say "Hi, Taurus! How have you been doing?"

"Nice! What about you?"

"Im ok! Thanks for asking! But I wanted to ask you a questi-"


I was stopped or inturupted by the bell.

"I WILL CALL YOU ABOUT IT!" I yell so he can hear me.


Taurus PoV

He is inturupted by the bell. He say he will call me about and I say Ok.

I really wanted what it is, if it couldn't wait for tommorow.

I get home and wait for a call.

Bzzzzzzt Bzzzzzzt

Its my phone. I pick it up and its Libra.

"Hey!" say a nervous sounding Libra

"Hey, so what's you question?" I say back at him.

"Oh, um.... Will you date me?"


No this is the end of that gay ship because I ship gay shit like that! Ok. Ok.  Love you, my MOOSETOASTERS

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