What food is your Sign?

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Aries: Spicy salsa/\ You always wanna go and spice up the world or your life.

Taurus: Your every tasty Food/\ YOU RULE THE FOODS!!!!!

Gemini: Candy/\ Everyone enjoys you that's why your candy

Cancer: Soft Cake<> Your soft and fragile but really have a hard spot in you

Leo: Coffee Cake: Your wide awake sometimes and everyone in the house adores you.

Virgo: Tacos-_- You can add anything you like on them..

Libra: cinnamon roll= YOUR delicious and have a gooey frosting that everyone wants a packet of.

Scorpio: Shrimp._. You can have a sauce on ya or your plain.

Saggitauris: I do not have a experience with one..

Capricorn: Brownies+ Your delicious with anything and no matter what we shall love you.

Aquarius: Pudding= Your floppy and tasty and I don't know how to explain really

Pisces: Ice Cream°₩° Your very revengeful and cold some days. Others you warm up! (Olaf we need you)

I could not think of anything!!!!! HELPPP MEEE

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