Back to life

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Saggittauris POV

I seen Taurus and then blacked out. I wake up to see im in a hospital. I hurt everywhere. I look down at myself and see i have bruises. Taurus comes up to me with a smile and a donut. He tells me what happened and how we got allot of money..

We eventually get out with the other signs and we go back home. To the mansion *Idk what they would live in..* We take the plane and agree to never go back to Vegas. Even with all the money we got. We can get more money at some other casinos by us. I think. We get back to our house and chill. Taurus eats everything in sight. Yet he is still skinny!

Im happy to be back to life...

Yup.. Its terrible! Well I atleast got done with it. Love you MooseToasters!

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