What songs remind me of the signs

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Aries: "I am not a robot" OC map

Taurus: "Twister" Carrie Underwood

Gemini: "Firework" Katy Perry

Cancer: "Ugly" OC map *No its not about tem. Look it up in Youtube and listen to it*

Leo: "Sexy and I know it" *forgot name*

Virgo: "The Pi Song"

Libra: "Ugly" OC map *Just look it up on Youtube no ur BEAUTIFUL!!*

Scorpio:... *Long thought* "Twister" Carrie Underwood

Saggittauris: "Its looking allot like Christmas"  * It Damn Halloween next*

Capricorn: "Temmie Money"?

Aquarius: "I am not a robot" OC map

Pisces: " Two Birds on a Wire"

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