When the signs see there crush

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Now please do remember that I make these up. I do not use IN TER NET *felt weird saying that* while making these. I make these up in my fab head! Love MooseToast

Aries: *Insulting crush while flirting* Hey Ugly, you look pretty!

Taurus: You are like food.. I LOVE YOU!!

Gemini: *Pranks them* "hahahaha Read this note out loud it says i like u

Cancer: I love you to much* Runs away screaming Loud AF

Leo: * Doesn't need to flirt because they bring the flirts to them

Virgo: *writes C8H11NO2+C10H12N20+C43H66N12O12S2
Dopamine, seratonin, oxytocin* "That's the love formula I have for you (If you confused that's what makes your self love someone)

Scorpio: Hey I will protect you until I like someone new!

Saggittauris: *On a long letter which was only was what they felt for the person and finally at the bottom* Hey I think I like you!

Capricorn: Pleaseeee dateee meeeee! I will gove you a business or money?

Aquarius: Hey! Lets play! *a few seconds later you realize you like them and they got told that* LETS DATE!!

Pisces: "I liiikkee looveee YOU ALOT!"

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