The Call

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Kaitlyn's P.O.V

As soon as I get to the top of the stairs, leaving Danny and Matt behind, I hear my phone vibrate on my desk where I had left it before the incident had happened.

I quickly walk into my room, grab my phone, and plop onto my bed. Quickly checking my lock screen, it was Gabe. My heart stopped. How did he get my number? - I unlocked my phone and checked my messages.


Hey sweet thang. Can we talk? xx

I roll my eyes, and toss my phone to the floor. Why is he messaging me?

I doze off for a few minutes, but suddenly waking up to giggles coming from the guest bedroom and my phone violently vibrating on the floor. I rub my eyes, and crawl over to where I tossed it. Me being lazy, I decided to just stay on the bed and let my hands search for the phone.

As soon as I found it not too far from my bed, I picked it up and retrieved to my warm spot I left. Looking at the screen, Gabe was calling me.

What does he want?

I answer the phone.

"HEY BABE!" Gabe happily greeted.

"Why're you calling me?"

" ... Because you weren't answering my texts. I need attention from you. It's been a while."

"You OBVIOUSLY need attention. Why'd you call?"

"I was wondering if you'd want to go on an date Saturda- I mean tomorrow .. sorry I rehearsed asking this..." he jumbled his words together.

SHOOT. Did I not tell him about Danny being here?

"HELLLLOOOO..? Still there?"

"Uhm, yeah sure. JUST as friends though. Pick me up at 5:30." I clarified. Maybe Matt and Danny can have their own little date too. (Just as friends).

I hope Danny doesn't mind.

I quickly went to the washroom, brushed my teeth, put on some new pyjamas and went to go say goodnight to Matt and Danny.

When I got downstairs to say goodnight, both of them were watching Beauty and The Beast, both were tearing up when Belle finally exposed her feelings to the Beast and saved him.

" OH COME ON YOU TWO. BE MEN! " I yelled at the bottom of the stairs.

They quickly glared at me and wiped their tears.

"We are men!" Matt said while flexing his toned muscles.

Danny just laughed into the blanket, "Sure we are Matt. Sure."

Matt sat there and pouted.

I laughed and walked over to the couch Danny was sitting on.

"May I join your blanket burrito?" I asked in a cute tone.

"Why of course Mrs. Edg- .. I mean, Miss Kaitlyn." He smiled.

I just stood there. Frozen. My body completely malfunctioned. Mrs. Kaitlyn Edge? I like that.

I smile and can clearly see under all that hair, his cheeks were the colour of roses. I was lost at the sight of him. Admiring every little bit of his face. From his blue eyes to his cute little button nose.

I might've been standing there for a good minute, but as soon as he noticed me looking at him, he quickly looked down.

" AHEM. I'm going to leave you two alone. Goodnight guys!" Matt tried breaking the silence.

"Night!" Danny and I both shouted as we watched Matt leave to his room.

Danny looked over at me,

"Uhm, it's getting pretty cold having my burrito open for you." He giggled.

I smiled and quickly jumped in, just like that, I instantly fell asleep in his arms.

[AN: it's been so long. I've missed writing. I will be planning to finally be finished this book by late January/ early February. Thank you guys so much for these 2 ish inactive years. I just was not in the right mind set to finish this book. But thank you all for everything <333

If you have any suggestions on how to end it, please feel free to direct message me.

See y'all in the next chapter my potatoes. ;*


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