Two in One | Gabe

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I wake up in my bed, wondering how I got from being in Danny's blanket burrito to here. I roll around in my sheets looking for my phone, but I don't see it anywhere. I must've left it downstairs or something.

I glanced at my alarm clock across the room, 10:32 am. Half an hour of more sleep won't hurt, will it?

I adjust myself in my bed and soon doze off.

"Kaitlyn?" Someone was gently poking me,

"What?" I asked into my pillow.

"It's 1:13pm and I was hoping we could go watch a movie.. or something."

Whoops. That was way longer than half an hour.

Now recognizing the voice belongs to Danny, I immediately sit up and hid my untouched face under the covers.

"DANNY? Sorry you had to see me like this."

"No worries, you're pretty cute when you sleep." He blushed and hid his face under his hair,

"So what do you say?" He nudges me

"Sure, I'd love to. Now let me be to go and get ready." I get out of my covers and gently push him out the door.

I run back to my bed and before I get to jump on it, someone knocked on my bedroom door.

It was Matt,

"Hey Lyn, what's up with Danny? He pranced down the stairs like a happy tomato."

"Oh nothing .." I said looking down, "We will just be going to see a movie later tonight."

"That's great, what will you do with Gabe though?" Matt held my phone up, giving me a disappointed look.

Shoot. What am I going to do?

"MATT, ITotallyForgotIHadADateWithGabe." I blurted out all at once.

"Just do you boo." He winks, tossing my phone onto my bed and walks away.

I grab my phone and check the lock screen for any notifications.

GABE: I'm excited for this evening, yeh? xx

Oh. So that's how Matt found out. I roll my eyes and fall onto my bed.

What am I supposed to do?

I quickly went to the shower, and got myself ready. I put my hair up high in a pony tail, stayed with the natural look with my make up, not too fancy, and wore some blue jeans and a white flowy top, with a very cute golden necklace. Of course, not to forget, my white low top converse.

While that was all in play, I was planning how   my time management was gonna be for tonight.

Looking at the clock, I had killed time effectively. 3:45pm.

I run down the stairs and find Danny sitting on the couch.

"Hey Dan!" I skipped to sit next to him.

"H-Hey. You look beautiful." He smiled, making my heart melt.

"Thank you .." I look down trying not to smile, "I was wondering when the movie starts?"

"Around 9:15pm, so I don't know why you're dressed up nicely this early." He brushed my hair behind my ear.

"Oh nothing." I smiled. I just need to go on another date is why, I think to myself.

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