Kicked Out

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"Matt?" I questioned the tall, brown haired boy.

"Hey there, Kaitlyn! So, are you gonna answer my question?" Matt asks.

"You know me enough to know what I'm doing here."

"Watched too many videos?" He questions

"Well, something like that." I began laughing.

"What about you?" I ask simply, sticking my tongue out.

"Uhm .. I sort of, got kicked out of my flat. I took all my things and left. I took my truck too, I will be staying there until I find a place to stay at." Matt replied.

"What did you do?"

"I got into a fight with my parents ... My dad and I were physically fighting. And -"

Before he could finish talking, and hugged him tight as I could. I could smell his cologne that he ALWAYS wears. It smells nice.

"Would you like to stay at my place?" I ask still in his arms.

"But, what if you don't have an extra room?"

"Matt, you've been to my house a million times. There are many extra rooms. Thank god I don't have siblings." I mumble into his sweater.

"Well, okay. Only if your mom is okay with it."

"Matthew Welsh, you know my mom. She loves you like her own son! Plus, she never really cares or notices the things that I do when she's home. She just comes and goes. She's never home as much." I reply.

As I let go, I hear Matt say thanks, and kiss my forehead.

We walk out of the park and into his white Chevrolet Silverado 1500, as I'm bout to open the door for myself, Matt volunteers to open it for me.

"Why thank you sir!" I blurb out happily.

"Oh, you are very welcome, Madame." He bows

He enters the car and turns on the radio.

Milkshake by Kelis is on.

Me and Matt start belting out to the song all the way to my house.

I see my mom's car in the drive way, she probably won't notice that Matt is here. Whatever.

Matt pulls up next to my mom's car, and we both get out. As we head to the door, I see a not taped onto the window.

It read,


I went out with a couple of friends.

Make sure to feed Stanley and yourself.

- Mom

I take the note off the window, unlock the door and walk in. I could hear Stanley running down from upstairs.

I get ready for Stanley to jump into my arms, but noooo, he jumps into Matt's arms. I turn to face Matt and give him a look.

"What?" He asks

"Nothing. You're stealing my baby."

"Lyn, he isn't a baby. He's a dog."

"But he's a baby to me!" I whine.

"Okay, whatever you say. But whenever your gone, imah be your baby daddy!" Matt teases.

"Shut up!" I shout

"What did you just say?" He raises an eyebrow and stands up fixing his posture.

Oh crap. He looks like he's gonna tackle me. Whoop, better start running.

I run all the way up to my room, I could hear Matt's footsteps right behind me. As I get to my door, I could feel his large hands on my waist pulling me back.

"Ahh! Matt let me go!"

"Say sorry then."

"I'm sorry." I saw with a smirk.

He let go, as I walk into my room, I hear him quietly sit on my bed.

"Oh, right. Here, follow me and grab your stuff."

I walk into the room right across from mine. It is the same size as mine, but the colours are different. Matt's room is blue while mine ... Well, I'd say purple? But who knows, I can't even see my walls with all my posters.

There was a queen sized bed in the corner, a walk in closet, a personal bathroom, and a dresser with a tv on it.

"Well, get comfortable Princess." I tease.

"Oh, I will" Matt says, laying down his black Nike duffle bag onto the bed.

"Here, I'll help."

I take out something's from him bag like his toothbrush, his laptop, some of his clothes, his man ... things, his chargers and all that fun jazz.

As we finish, I hear my cellphone ring.

"Oh, Matt ... I'm going to go and take this." I quickly walk away.

I walk out to the hall and see an unrecognized number. I decide to answer it anyways.


"Hey! This is Danny Edge from ExclamationPointYT! ... And Paul Zimmer!" I hear in the background.

"Oh, hey there Danny!" I reply.

"How are ya doing, beautiful?" Danny asks.

"Who said I was beautiful?" I asked being a smart ass closing my bedroom door so Matt wouldn't hear.

"I did, silly." Danny replies.

"Well, I'm doing fine. Yourself?"

"I'm doing good."

"Can I ask you something?" I say hesitantly.

"Sure, anything."

"How did you get my number ... I didn't even type it in the comments."

"Paul and I have our ways." Danny giggles.

"Alrighty then ..." I start laughing.

"You have a cute laugh. Did you know that?" Danny asks

"Errm, nope. But you're in luck. That is one out of my many laughs."

"Oh, I forgot to ask what your name was, soo ... What is it?"

"My name is-"

Before I could even finish what I was going to say, Matt jumped and tackled onto me.

"Okay Danny, I gotta go! I'll talk to you later. Bye!" I say quickly touching the 'End Call' button thing.

"Who was that?" Matt asks curiously



[[Author's Note: (not proofread)


First 2 chapters! :D

Maybe I should make the chapters longer ... Nah .

Anyways , yeaaah .

Hope you guys are liking the book so far! (:


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