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Chapter 2

**Katy's POV**

I opened my eyes on the other day, the birds were singing in the window, Juliet was still sleeping and John was in my side. When i heard a low voice next to me

"Good morning my love." It was my husband. He said pecking my lips twice.

I hugged him, still in bed cause i was too lazy to get up.

"Uh is so hot here!" I returned, taking the blankets out of me.

"We should go to the beach today" he said "and after he have Stella's birthday party right"

I agreed. I was very happy cuz all my family and friends would be there, I need to have some fun.

Juliet woke up crying, and after nursing her we were getting ready to leave. It was too hot to stay home, so we would have lunch outside.

When we arrived at the restaurant, i had a surprise. A not good surprise.

Yes, he was there. Russell Brand, my ex that i was almost forgetting was there.

John saw him and realized that i was looking at him with a disgusted face.

We were going to sit when suddenly Russell started walking in our direction.

My hands started to shake, my heart was beating fast and the whole time i just wanted to get out of there. Russell Brand. The guy that had made me feel like a rubbish. I hated him so much, but at the same time i couldn't not remember all our moments and how happy i was married with him. But the fact that he humbled me, in so many interviews and whatever, and how bad i felt when he sent me that text, made me just want to burn the past. I cried so much for him and almost killed myself because of that horrible person.

Of course that i would never forgive him. And i didn't want to cuz now i was married with John Mayer and i loved him more then everything. John have supported me so much and always make me laugh or think that i never wanna be apart from him.

John was holding Juliet, and he told me to ignore Russell.

"Hey Katy!" Russel said like we were friends.

He was wearing the same clothes as usual, with those tacky shoes, very tight pants and white shirt.

"Hi." I returned for not be rude, but i was just thinking why the hell he hasn't leave yet.

"Hello John! What a beautiful baby you guys have." Russell was trying to be likeable.

"Thanks." John said and kissed my check, with a face like "she is mine" making him jealous.

Russell just stared at me, and he saw i was more then happy with John.

Juliet started crying, she probably was scared of his creepy face, then when Russell was about to touch her, John said that we have to go.

"Okay. Have a good day." He said, finally leaving.

I took my baby from John, giving her a pacifier and she stopped.

After lunch, we went to the beach, Juliet was amazed about the sand that she had never touched before.

"Na na na, you can't eat it!" John said, when Juliet was about to put sand in her mouth.

I opened a magazine and laid on a chair to sunbathe, till John takes off his shirt and i got crazy.

"Oh man stop, you're too hot" I said giggling, while John was showing off that perfect fit body.

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