Crossing Lines

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Chapter 12

 **** Russell's POV****

When Katy came back, i realized a different look in her face. I still knew her pretty much to judge that she was not okay. But the way she was there, sitting in front of me with her hair perfectly falling on her shoulders, her pale beautiful face, her adorable eyes making her look so cute without even trying, and those pink dry lips that just made me want to kiss her right there and now, it all didn't let me let her go. I wanted to be with her, at least one more day cause i still loved her. I was so stupid to break her heart and just abandon her with simple words, that i wasn't even brave enough to say in person. 

"Should we order?" Katy's sweet voice asked, her eyes looking from the menu, to the waitress, to my eyes, and I nodded, already knowing what i wanted.

"Okay, a green tea with honey for me, please." 

"Uhm, and a espresso for me." i replied

"O-ka-y, i'll be right back!" The sympathethic waitress said, writting something on her notebook and leaving us alone.

I looked down at Katy who seemed bored, looking around at the place with a questioning face. I wanted to ask if she was fine, or at least better from the cut in her head, which happened to be my fault. Then grabbed my phone in my pocket, but put it back on it when i saw i had no new notifications. 

"You don't-"

"Is your-" 

We suddenly started laughing realizing we had both spoken at the same time, trying to break the awkward silence.

"You first" I smiled 

"You don't even like coffee that much, do you?" Her weird cute question made me laugh again

"I do, actually, i've been changing my habits a lot." I replied and Katy giggled adorably, putting a wick of hair behind her ear and looking at the table to break our eye contact. "And i'm sorry again about your cut, i swear i didn't mean to hurt you." 

****Katy's POV****

"It's fine. It's not hurting at all right now." I lied, how could a deep cut in my head that had happened today still not be hurting?  

Russell smiled innocently at me, and the awkward silence filled our table again. I caught myself thinking about John and Juliet again, what would they be doing right now? Did they miss me as much as i missed them? Or was Juliet with my family and John hitting on another girl just because i wasn't there? I couldn't. He couldn't be doing this to me and i dont think he ever would. I had to trust him.

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