It's all my fault

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Chapter 3

***** Shannon's POV*****

"I can't believe i said that! Im the worst best friend ever!" I was screaming not knowing what to do exactly.

I couldn't let the things like this, i had to do something cuz now i realized that if Katy and John brake up it will be my fault.

I'm so stupid, Katy have never done anything like this to me and it wasn't her fault if John loved her and she loved him....

"I'm so jealous! Uurgghhhh"

So I decided to call Markus, he would probably know what to do.

"Hey it's Shannon"

"Hi Shanny what's going on?!" He answered, with people noises in the background.

He was probably in the street but we needed to talk now.

"Well.. Lets say that i've just made the worse, most stupid and childish mistake in the world." I started

"Wow that seems not good. What happened?"

"So. I told Katy that John betrayed her when he actually didn't and now she is super sad and she must be crying and he is probably wondering what the hell is Katy talking about and or they will brake up an will be my fault or Katy will discover that i lyied and will never forgive me and we'll never talk again." I said very very quick almost without taking a breath and my heart was beating fast.

"Wow wow wow take it easy! I didn't get it all, you're talking too quick! Calm down, i'll be there in 10 min for you to explain me this shit you did okay?!" Markus said, kinda giggling

"That's not funny... Okay meet you soon, thanks."

I declined and sat on the sofa, wating impatient for Markus to came quick.

After 20 minutes he kiked on the door.

"What took you so long?!" I said, hugging him

"Sorry, the streets were very crowded."

We went outside, in the ground of my house and sat next to the pool.

"Go right in the subject." Markus said

"The only thing i got was that you made a big tragedy."

"Yes. I did. And now i have to concert this.

Yesterday at the nightclub, remember when John was talking with a girl?" I started.

"Ah.. Not actually.. I wasn't paying much attention..."

"Anyways. Then i told Katy that they kissed, but they really didn't, and you know, Katy believes in things easily so...

"... She thinks John really did this to her?" He complimeted


"Wow Shannon. How could you!" Markus answered taking a glass of water.

"I know I know! But now what should i do?!"

"Tell Katy! Is the best thing to do, you have to say the truth and i'm sure she'll apologize you!

But don't wait till this become a huge problem!"

"Ok, yeah i think so.. Now i just have to think in how say that."

Markus got up and said that he had a compromise so he had to go.

We walked up to the door and said I goodbye, thanking him again.

"That's okay. Just don't wait to tell Katy!" He said kissing me

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