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Chapter 5

The other day when i woke up i suddenly was in my bed.

John was already awake, and was just staring at me.

When i opened my eyes he started kissing all my face, not missing a part.

"Ew" i said, turning my head and burying it on the pillow

"You wanna sleep more?" John asked

I agreed making a little smile, then he kissed me once again.

"Ugh can't you just stop please" I giggled, covering my face

"No, i can't sorry"

John kissed the side of my mouth, but then i turned my head and kissed his soft lips.

I put him closer, yawning.

Then John pulled me off the bed, i was too lazy and weak, my neck wanted to stay on bed, but my husband continued trying to make me get up.

He was holding me, and i was falling on his arms, still kissing each others.

I sat on bed with my legs crossed and finally opened my eyes, playing with John's hair.

"Time to get up!" He said

"What day is today?" I asked, laying on him again

"Tuesday. Do you have any plans?"

"Shit. I have a concert today"

"It's already 10am" John completed

"Yeah, i need to take a shower. My performance starts at 2 and my team will be here soon"

I said, getting up

"I'm coming with you. I don't have anything today"

"Great! Juliet can came too, it won't be that long"

John smiled and i went to the bethroom that was in my room.

I took off my clothes and got in the shower, opening the hot water.

When i finished, i took the towel next to me, drying my body and wrapping myself in it.

"And where is Juliet" i asked, taking a toothbrush

"She's with the nanny" John replied, putting on a shirt.

We both went to the bathroom, me to finish brushing my teeth and John to comb his hair.

I spitted out and suddenly felt my towel falling. I tried to hold it but John was much stronger.

I tapped his hand and my towel felt.

"Ugh" i complained taking it from the floor, making him laugh

"I will never get enough from you" John said hugging me with his hands in my thin waist, kissing my neck.

I put my robe on and we down the stairs

"Good morning" i said getting in the kitchen where Juliet was sitting on her chair and the nanny was already making a tea.

"Nhaaaa" Juliet screamed, stretching her arms in my direction for me to pick her up.

"Ow hello babe!" John said catching her

I took a cup of tea and sat on the table. John was reading the newspaper as usual, and Juliet was on his lap drinking juice in her bottle and playing with the newspaper's sheets.

"We're going to Japan tomorrow!" John said

"Yeah I'm excited"

At this moment someone knoked the door.

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