Last bit of hope

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[Aaahh i'm sorry guys it took me a life to update! This chapter sucks a little though but i'm doing my best and trying to update as fast as i can, well now that i'm on vacation i will. Comment opinions or advices plz, and if you will keep reading if i keep posting :): x ]

Chapter 13

****Jenny's pov****

I closed the twitter app on my iPhone and opened instagram. My eyes puffy and red since i've been crying the whole day, still not believing my idol was lost in the big city i lived in Japan. All Katy fanpages were going crazy commenting on John's instagram for him and Juliet to be strong, and even if he had already said the police was towards Katy, i wondered if they would find her again. 

If they didn't, i don't know what i would do with my life.

Katy Perry was my life. I can't survive without her music, her smile, her voice and her incredible personality that made me love her and be more proud of her every single day. She is everything for me. And i know if it wasn't her i wouldn't be here right now. 

I suddenly heard a knock on my bedroom's door, it was my mom telling me to forget about Katy because there were already people looking for her and yelling for me to get out of the room since i've been there the whole day. I'm 16, and i think she should get it that no matter how old i am i was never going to give up on Katy, and i didn't care about my family talking shit about her, i was already used to it and they would never have any idea of how much she really means to me. 

I got up and headed to the bathroom to wash my face, i needed to chill out for a while. I put my coat and headphones on, hearing my favourite song, Lost. I told my mom i was going to walk the dog and then I left the house, it was evening and almost snowing, the cold air hitting my face and i drowned my hands into my pockets, starting to regret my decision of getting out of the bed. 

I've been living in a little zone in Tokyo since i was five. It's not very big since it's far from the centre, but i could say i knew this place like the palms of my hands, and, coincidently, it was close to where Katy's hotel was.

I realized we had already walked three blocks away from my house when i started seeying the dark side of Tokyo, a zone where only few people lived and was kinda creepy and abandoned. I wasn't scared, actually i wouldn't care if someone tryied to asssault me, i knew Nugget, my dog, would protect me. He was a big beige labrador, and even if he looked friendly and cute, he could kill someone.

Suddenly, my dog started pushing me for a random direction, he was much stronger than me, so i had to loosen his leash when he started running. 

"Nugget! Come back here!" 

I yelled, normally he would have had come back for me, but he didn't this time. I runned towards my dog, and he only stopped after walking a whole block. 

"Boy, what's wrong with you today?!" I said, putting the leash back on his neck and he barked for some reason.

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